We’re Open


We're Open: Weathering tough times at M&S Grocery

and last updated

The distance is now six feet. Six feet between customers and a delicious plate lunch.

Social distancing is now part of the new normal, The new normal for any business is the practice of social distancing, and at M&S Grocery, it’s no different.

Food, for the most part, is what drives the financial bus at Upper Lafayette’s M&S Grocery. Plate lunches, prepared meals are there—but it’s been tough. Owner Ryan Degeytaire says, even longtime customers are on edge.

“They are a little scared,” says Degeytaire. “They are holding back from venturing out in the streets, but you know, they do have work and things they need to attend to—personal things—bank, groceries.”

Degeytaire tells us it’s come down to understanding and working together to get through a tough time. M&S, for the most part is a family business, with a primarily blue-collar clientele that has weathered an oilfield decline and now, the coronavirus.

“I’m thankful that I have family, I have friends that help,” explains Degeytaire, “so, I’ve been able to do decent, decent enough that I can have bills paid and I’m content with that for now.”

He’d never really done curbside service before, but now, “My elder customers, I’ve been bringing out their meals when they call ahead of time I walk their meals out to them.”

And our Covid atmosphere has made him look more closely at his budget. “I was running numbers; I’m thinking a good 35-40 percent that has affected me.”

Tough times are calling everyone, every resident to step up and do what they can. Degeytaire understands that many folks out there aren’t as fortunate as he is.

And if you ask Degeytaire how important is it for him to be able to say ‘We’re Open’?

“That’s very important. I think about it every day, I think about all of the businesses that had to close or they’re being directly impacted by this.”

M&S Grocery is located in Upper Lafayette at 2720 Louisiana Avenue. Call 337-235-3941 to place an order. Curbside service is available.