We’re Open


We're Open: Rebirth & Renewal at Deuxième Vie Creative

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Under normal times, Deuxième Vie Creative was the place you went in, you found something that was tossed and you were going to turn it into art. But now under the Corona Era… Deuxième Vie Creative is the one that’s having to recreate itself.

“People have lower incomes, they need a creative outlet to be able to fill their time, to fill their mind, take their minds off of things,” says owner Cindi Axtell.

Corona has changed the landscape. Lessened the value we put on some things, increased the value of others. “This is the only creative re-use center in all of Louisiana and I think it’s more important now than it was before to have it ,” explains Axtell.

Located in downtown Lafayette, Deuxième Vie Creative (pronounced Doo-Zee-Em) takes stuff some might throw away and helps others turn them into art. That being said, in mid-March no amount of artistic vision could predicted what was about to happen. “March 14th, we were open for ArtWalk, I locked the doors and Monday, they shut it down and this is kind of the first time back,” smiles Axtell.

The soft re-open is here. Now, this store filled with “one’s man’s trash, is another man’s treasure” is doing one-on-one visits a few days a week, accepting a few donations and making all-inclusive art kits for students.

It’s sort of an artistic renewal…One that matches Doo-zee-em’s very purpose of re-purposing. “And it maybe it goes into the hands of people that weren’t already creative and didn’t know what to do with it,” smiles Axtell. “So now, somebody’s showing them what they can do with it,”

And now, all you have to do is call to schedule an appointment, pop on in, and ponder… the possibilities.

(Deuxième Vie Creative is located at 549 Jefferson Street in Lafayette; call (832)-483-5407 or visit www.2eviecreative.org to schedule an appointment. Owner Cindi Axtell can be reached via email at Cindi@2eVieCreative.org ).

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