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Secondline Jewels gearing up for Festival International

Merchants will be listed during virtual festival
and last updated

Secondline Jewels is one of the many merchants who won't be physically set up in downtown Lafayette, but they're still finding ways to showcase their art to the community.

"It's significant for us. We work on it for months, starting at the beginning of every year. We really depend on it financially," said Rozalyn Galyean.

The family-owned business consists of using recycled drum symbols and turning them into jewelry pieces. The business typically brings in a lot of revenue during the festival season.

"We work on Frenchman Street, the Palace Art Market in New Orleans. So, when that canceled, we're now only relying on our online sales," said Galyean.

Still being a part of the Festival International, the family says they're getting creative in hopes of gaining some online traffic.

"This weekend we will have a festival bundle raffle, where we will raffle off earings, necklaces, rings, and a cuff. Ten dollars a chance or something like that," said Galyean.

The staff who are making all vendors get a chance to show off their creativity says although it may look different, people can still have a good time.

"Some of the artists, they're doing virtual festival promos and discounts. So, I think everybody trying to do what they can to make it a festive atmosphere," said Scott Feehan.

All merchants will be listed to direct you to the vendor you're interested in once the virtual festival launches. If you're interest in learning more about secondline jewels work, you can visit secondlinejewels.com.