

Tropical Outlook for June 3rd -10th

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At the beginning of the week through hurricane season I'm going to put together a quick glance at everything going on in the tropics. This can give everyone an idea of what we're watching and what we think may need watching closely. Obviously if needed we'll have tropical outlooks more often but this way you can have a better idea of what's going on through out the Atlantic Basin. Keep in mind that things in the tropical world can change quickly and if it does we'll be the first to let you know.

This outlook is valid for June 3rd through June 10th.

A quiet start to the season and based off the seasonal forecast there may not be too many quiet week so we'll enjoy it while we have it.

Currently no tropical weather is expected through the Atlantic Basin over the next seven days.

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There's a decent amount of dust floating around in the Atlantic Basin currently, not uncommon for this time of year, which is going to hinder any tropical waves off the African coast.

This is likely going to be the case for the next few weeks as dust can often dominate through the month of July.

Despite a dusty Atlantic it doesn't appear that much is getting into the Gulf of Mexico or even west of the Caribbean so it shouldn't have any impacts on us locally.


There are signs that the Pacific Basin may be "turning on" with some model support for development in the Pacific.

This isn't that uncommon either for this time of year, the Pacific season typically starts a little earlier than the Atlantic.

If we see any development over the next few weeks, with the Atlantic Basin being a bit dusty it will likely come from the Yucatan area so we'll keep an eye out down there these next few weeks.

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There's not much in terms of model activity either, even through the extended outlooks so we'll leave it there for now and I'll be back again next week.