WeatherTodays Forecast


Heat wave continues this weekend; breaks next week

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After nearly two weeks of high temperatures in the mid-upper 90s, it appears that our stretch of very hot weather will come to an end next week thanks to increasing chances of showers and thunderstorms.

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Expect mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies this weekend with highs near 97-98° Saturday and Sunday. Heat indices should be closer to 102-106° this weekend.

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Rain chances will stay low Saturday, near 20% or less ( perhaps a liitle higher for coastal parishes and St Mary and Iberia parishes), but should perk up late Sunday afternoon into the evening hours...closer to 40%.

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Essentially, a disturbance in Missouri Friday will ride around the periphery of the hot dome of high pressure that has been so dominant of late with the disturbance reach the northeast Gulf of Mexico by Sunday.


That disturbance will combine with a weak tropical disturbance near Florida this weekend with the feature drifting westward across the Northern Gulf States next week.

Rain chances locally should increase to 60% or better Monday with 50/50 rain chances or better continuing at least through mid-week.

In addition, some of our models also indicate there could be some subtle tropical organization to next week's feature that will be drifting toward the Upper Texas Coast by mid-week.

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While it shouldn't be much more than an interesting feature to next week's disturbance, it could produce some localized heavy rains for portions of Southeast Texas and/or portions of South Louisiana.

Acadiana could see some areas picking up a couple of inches of much need rain with this feature.

The bonus is that our heat wave will break, with highs closer to the upper 80s to lower 90s through most of next week.

See the KATC 10 Day Forecast for the latest.

Meanwhile in the tropics, it is appearing that disturbance 94L in the Eastern Atlantic has better than 50/50 chance of development next week.

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This disturbance could eventually become "Bonnie" by mid-late next week.

For now, any future system looks to take a more southern route and not impact the Northern Gulf Coast/Louisiana.

Meanwhile, you may notice the moisture pooling on our models in the Northern Gulf by Monday enhancing our rain chances while the feature drifts west toward the Texas Coast by Wednesday.

As mentioned earlier, don't be surprised if there's a little organization to the North Gulf system next week, but we are not expecting anything major at this time...but it's getting to be that time of the "season" that all disturbances bear watching.

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