Once the seabreeze got going today, it did not take long for scattered showers and storms to start developing.
But boy, once there was a break in the rain and the sun came back out, the heat and humidity was ON!
It will be a warm and muggy night ahead as overnight lows only drop into the middle 70s.
Some patchy fog/misty conditions could be possible late tonight and early tomorrow morning.
A good amount of low-level moisture remains in place across the region.
So, get ready to do it all over again Friday with scattered showers and thundershowers developing during the mid/late morning time frame and into the afternoons hours.

As has been the case the last couple of days, a few brief heavy downpours could be possible.
Rain chances will sit in the 50-60% range.
Hot and humid otherwise with those temperatures climbing into the upper 80s to near 90°.
Similar set-up heading into Saturday with rain chances at around 30-40%.
A tropical wave, nothing that will be organized or anything like that, will move into the area by the end of the weekend and start of next week.
At the very least, that will help to elevate our rain chances.
Daily rain and storm chances look to stick with us through the better part of next week.
But after all, it is late June and almost July, so do we really expect anything different?!
Have a good one!
In the tropics:
No real changes out in the tropics.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has bumped up odds of development to 40% for a tropical wave just off of the African coast.

However, it is WAY out there and we have plenty of time to watch what it does (if anything).
It is pretty difficult to get tropical disturbances to trek all the way across the Atlantic this early in the season.
Regardless, we'll keep an eye on it.
Our other little area just east of the Lesser Antilles now has a 0% chance of development as strong wind shear continues to take a toll on it.
The rest of the tropics are quiet at this time.
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