

Summer heat remains for the rest of the week

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In theory September sounds like a great month.

September 1st is considered meteorological fall, the 21st is the fall equinox, the long hot days of summer are ending and the holiday season is right around the corner.

This is theory.

In reality September is like a family member who has overstayed their welcome.

Sure it sounded like a good idea in June when you told them they could come and stay for a while, and there are some bright moments.

But much like the summer heat which is now sticking around into the back half of the month it's time for that family member to leave.

I guess now I've got long winded metaphors out of my system I'll get to the stuff y'all actually care about (and what I'm paid to do) which is the forecast.

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If you hadn't guessed by now it's a very quiet week with late summer heat continuing through the work week.

Temperatures will consistently sit in the 90s the next several days with enough humidity hanging around to feel a little sticky.

A few passing showers will be possible Tuesday afternoon but those chances will diminish toward the end of the week.

Even a peak into the weekend doesn't reveal much of a pattern change with temperatures continuing to run above normal.

So as the calendar slowly moves toward October we'll keep our eye out for some cooler weather and any signs that summer will take the hint and start backing its bags.

Tuesday Afternoon Update:

No changes to the ongoing forecast but check out the partial lunar eclipse tonight!

In addition, here's the latest on the tropics...something could be up in about a week: