

Mostly quiet through the week while tropical moisture looms

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The pattern Acadiana is most familiar with has firmly set up across the area and looks to stick around for a few days.

If you haven't guessed that means it's the typical summer pattern.

Tuesday afternoon will be hot and humid, and in the afternoon pop up showers will begin to emerge along the coast.

Rain chances will stick around 20% and with a light northerly breeze rain should hug the coast line fairly close.

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This is how the weather is expected to play out over the next few days, although a slight bit of dry air may shut down rain chances for the back end of the week.

Temperatures will be low 90s through Thursday but will start to climb again as we get closer to the weekend.

Since the work week pattern looks quiet we can glance out to the long term forecast which will be dictated by an elongated tropical wave moving across the Gulf of Mexico this week.

This plume of moisture is expected in the western Gulf by Sunday and could bring a round of heavy showers into Acadiana to close out the weekend and start the work week.

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There's a decent amount of model disagreement here between the EURO (pictured above) and the GFS which has the plume of moisture a little further east.

Tropical waves like this can come with a lot of rain and it'll be important to get a better idea where this will eventually come on shore with models hinting at at least several inches of rain with this system (more in the case of the GFS).

Luckily we have the week to monitor it and there's signs that the models may start to come together which would indicate a rise in confidence over the coming days.

It's still a little too early to talk about specific impacts for Acadiana but that part of the forecast will be worth watching to see how it trends.