

Dry air moves in offering a little relief in the mornings

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Dewpoints have dropped down into the mid to low 70s Tuesday morning as dry air slowly trickles into the area.

It's still decently sticky and warm out there but we can expect to feel some improvement by Wednesday morning.

Humidity levels will drop through the day which will help keep the heat index hovering around 100 and we won't have to deal with the Heat Advisories for the rest of the week.

Showers will remain elusive with only a few fair weather clouds drifting through during the afternoon.

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The dry air will have its biggest influence in the morning temperatures the next couple of days, as lows will be allowed to drop into the low 70s and even 60s for north Acadiana.

Compared to the temperatures we've been dealing with the last several days this is going to feel like a major turn around, we call it fake fall.

Be warned that the afternoons will still be plenty hot even if they're not at the same extremes they've been the last several days.

There's not going to be much change in the pattern for the rest of the week so be sure to get up early and enjoy some of those temperatures.