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Henderson family's home destroyed in tornado


A family of six in Henderson is left to figure out what their next steps are, after a tornado Monday evening caused severe damage to their home, which they are not able to live in.

For the past few days, Corntey Dupuis and her husband Gary and four children have been living off of this meal.

“Lunchables and sandwiches is about it right now,” Dupuis said.

Their car is now packed with essential items, as they go into the third day of having no power.

“This is what’s left of our home,” Dupuis said.

“Two walls completely separated. So, clothes were lost items. You know we have items everywhere we still don’t know if everything is salvageable just yet because we have no power.”

Her four sons spend the days assisting their dad, as family, neighbors and strangers come to help save the home.

“We have holes all in the roof, my husband and my children are trying to cover right now,” Dupuis said.

Trying to save what they can of their belongings that are all scattered throughout the house before storms come in the next few days.

Dupuis said even though the tornado went through the house quickly, in that moment it felt like forever.

“During the storm, our windows basically exploded,” Dupuis said.

“We were inside and we heard a loud bang and water just come rushing in. And before we knew it, our house was separated and our roof was on the ground.”

The family rushed to her bedroom for safety.

“And we were just holding on to the bed and the first thing I did was text my family and told them that I love them, cause I didn’t know if my house was gonna flip with my husband and our children in here.” Dupuis said.

Dupuis and her family are staying at a friend's house until Thursday and then will have to find out where they are going next.

Both her father-in-law and step-father-in-law who live in the area, have damage to their property as well.

“I wish we can get more help maybe FEMA or somebody,” Dupuis said. “I tried to go on FEMA’s website they’re showing no declaration of emergency for any of our area.”

Dupuis said the uncertainty of not knowing the future of where her family will live is uneasy

“My anxiety is just all over, and I’m constantly getting questions from everyone and my children ‘What are we gonna do where are we gonna live? Where are we gonna sleep?’ I don’t know,” Dupuis said.

“I don’t know," Dupuis said.

"I'm trying to hold it together I’ve tried not to cry but you don’t know. And I mean as a mom you want to know. You want to know where your kids are gonna sleep at night. You wanna know when you’re gonna be able to cook a meal for them, and I can’t do none of that.”

Dupuis son's Grayson and Gannon have one wish.

"That we could fix it and help get our life back together,” Gannon said.

If you would like to donate to the family, click this link.