On air transcript:
So here at Port Barre is the first volleyball team that we've had in the school's history. We're a pretty small school, but we've managed to have a pretty decent sized team. Lots of interesting girls in the sport.
It's been a fantastic experience getting to work with these girls, getting to share with them a sport that I loved growing up that they had never really experienced before.. So getting to start that here and work with the girls and see them develop. The passion for the sport has been an amazing experienced.
We ordered a net storage system because we haven't really had a way to store our net, so it kind of gets a little tangled. We had to order a new net, so we ordered a storage system for that and we needed a new ball cart because we only had one ball cart. We needed a new one
Christmas morning. Yeah. So we literally our ball court is like destroyed. So seeing that we got a new one was very exciting because that's a big thing. We ordered a pink out ball for our pink ball games in October
and some conditioning equipment and some bands to help stretch shoulders and help out with practices. Thank you so much for donating These items are a team that means a lot to us and we're very appreciative. I think that's amazing. I think that's a great way to help schools and maybe ways that they can, depending on the school and the location of it. I think that's it's a really amazing program.
Thank you Tools for Our School.
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