The roof of an Acadia Parish church's activity center collapsed under Tuesday's snow - but the only section spared was over the head of the pastor working in the building.
"At approximately 11:55 a.m., the roof of our church's Activity Center collapsed due to the heavy snow accumulation brought by the storm. In what we can only describe as a miracle, the one section of the building that remained intact was the room where our Teaching Pastor, Jonathan Walton, was standing at the time," says Jared Pavlu, Lead Pastor of Point Church on South Main Street in Church Point.
Walton was on site to check the campus during the storm when the collapse began, and even though damage to the activity center was "catastrophic," Walton "walked away unharmed - a testament to grace and protection in the midst of adversity," Pavlu said.
The center is used by the congregation as a multi-functional room, Pavlu said. On Sundays, it houses the Point Kids Ministry, where children enjoy fun activities, games, and a wonderful kids’ service. During the week, it serves as a hub for community groups, hosting basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and other fellowship and teaching events.
"We are profoundly grateful that no one was hurt in this incident and are standing firm in our faith that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We believe God will lead us to rebuild, and we are committed to continuing our mission of reaching our community and pointing people to Jesus," Pavlu said.
You can find more information about the church here and here.
If you'd like to help the church repair their Activity Center, you can click here, and select "rebuild Activity Center"
Here are some pictures Pastor Pavlu sent us: