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AT&T workers continue to strike throughout Acadiana after failed contract


LAFAYETTE — Thousands of AT&T workers across the southeast region are on strike nationally, and some are happening right here in Acadiana.

From Crowley to Lafayette, drivers honked their horns as they drove by the bright red and white signs held up by AT&T strikers.

The Communications Workers of America Union, representing the workers, filed a grievance with the National Labor Relations Board.

"We are passionate because we want our voices to be heard at the table, and we want to be taken seriously," said Tammy Harmon, the Local Chapter President of the CWA.

They claim that AT&T is practicing unfair labor practices and failing to negotiate a fair contract that would benefit workers.

Despite the strike, customers, however, should not feel the effects of the strike. In a statement, AT&T tells KATC:

"We have various business continuity measures in place to avoid disruptions to operations and will continue to provide our customers with the great service they expect."

"Our members want to be on the job providing good service because we feel that the customers really deserve it, but until AT&T does the right thing and starts negotiating with us to get a fair contract, then we can be there for the customers," said Harmon.

KATC did reach out to AT&T on the matter, and they said in a statement:

“CWA’s claims of unfair labor practices are not grounded in fact. We have been engaged in substantive bargaining since day 1 and are eager to reach an agreement that benefits our hard-working employees. As evidence, we have reached 3 agreements this year covering more than 13,000 employees, including our most recent tentative agreement with District 9 (west). We remain committed to working with District 3 (southeast) in the same manner.

“We’re disappointed that union leaders would call for a strike at this point in the negotiations, rather than directing their energies toward constructive discussions at the bargaining table. This action needlessly jeopardizes the wages and well-being of our employees."

CWA says they plan to strike as long as it takes for the Union and AT&T to reach a fair agreement.

Currently, AT&T workers on strike are not receiving any compensation from AT&T.