

Super 16: Catholic New Iberia Wide Receiver Jaiden Mitchell

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Jaiden Mitchell isn’t the tallest player on the field—standing at 5 feet 8 inches—but the wide receiver plays with the heart of a giant. Mitchell had one of the best seasons in the area, with 53 catches for 935 yards and 13 touchdowns, proving that size isn’t everything in the football game.

Despite his impressive stats, Mitchell can’t dwell on his success. He’s always looking ahead, eager to improve, and ready to learn from his mistakes. After each game, Mitchell wastes no time reaching out to his coaches, anxious to review game film and identify areas where he can refine his skills.

“After the game, I text the coaches to find out when the film will be posted,” Mitchell said. “I watch all my mistakes to correct them for the next game.”

Mitchell’s talent is undeniable, but his passion and relentless drive to be the best truly sets him apart. His head coach, Matthew Desormeaux, sees this quality in him every day.

“He attacks the game from whistle to whistle,” Desormeaux said. “He’s a competitor and makes the plays more often than not.”

As Mitchell looks ahead to his senior year, he’s got one thing on his mind: winning a state championship. It’s a goal that drives him daily, fueling his commitment to excellence on and off the field.

“My last game has to be a state championship,” Mitchell said. “That’s how I feel; it’s my goal for 2024.”