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Opelousas Mayor: We have to follow rules to re-open

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The City of Opelousas is encouraging businesses to re-open - as long as the follow the rules - and repeating the guidelines for safe shopping.

The Waffle House is re-opening tomorrow, Mayor Julius Alsandor says. The restaurant will "be required to follow all the mandates and mitigation rules set in place. The city is also encouraging businesses that are currently open to follow these safety measures. These rules will also apply for business considering to reopen."

When those businesses start to re-open shoppers will have to follow rules, too, he says.

"When shopping and moving around the area, be responsible and if you don’t need to be out and about, PLEASE STAY HOME. We also ask that if you must shop, please shop local! When you do this, your dollars stay in your community and you help create local jobs," Alsandor says.

"The City of Opelousas and our surrounding communities are gradually trying to move forward in a safe way to reopen our economy and our businesses. If this is to occur, we must adhere without question to the stay safe, which save lives perspective. If we cannot follow these guidelines, we will face more challenging times ahead. I ask that each of us be smart and may God watch over all of us."

Here are the rules for shoppers:

  • Wear a face covering when out in public
  • Shoppers and grocery employees should follow physical distancing rules (6 feet or one cart)
  • Use credit cards or smart phones instead of cash when possible to minimize personal contact
  • Stick to as few shoppers as possible – if at all possible, don’t bring the entire family to the store
  • Wash your hands often.
  • If at all possible, STAY HOME!