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St. Martin Council on Aging plans to resume hot meal deliveries on May 1

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The St. Martin Council on Aging says they will resume delivery of hot meals on May 1 to all of its homebound and congregate seniors.

Officials say that residents in Stephensville/Belle River who receive homemaker services will receive shelf stable meals for thirty days, with the assistance of grant funds received from Meals on Wheels of America. Those meals will be delivered in three increments, with enough meals for ten days each.

The council says it is awaiting feedback from the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs to determine when full services will resume. This feedback will also determine when activities at the Sydnie Mae Durand Activity Center in Breaux Bridge and the Magnolia Park meal site in St. Martinville will resume.

Executive Director Shanese L. Lewis will meet with agency staff on April 28 to discuss a plan of action to move forward should Governor Edwards lift the stay at home order on May 1.

Ms. Lewis states that her plan is for all staff to report back to work on May 1, when the delivery of hot meals resumes. However, since rides must be scheduled days in advance of appointments, transportation will not resume until May 8.

Until that date, drivers will spend time doing online training and certifications. Other services such as homemaking, sitting, and respite may also have a slow start in resuming and case managers will conduct phone assessments of seniors in need of services until June 1, as the agency will continue to practice social distancing as much as possible. Material aid such as food stamp, medicine, Medicaid, utility, and housing repair assistance will be done by phone as well.

The agency will also continue to maintain its current office hours of 8:00am-1:00pm daily, until further notice and remain closed to the public.

Those in need of services or seeking information may call (337) 332-3063 and speak to someone by phone.

Lewis says that she will not take action on this plan until an update from the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs has been recieved.

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