

We're cleaning up the garden, and turning that waste to compost

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Spring cleaning isn't just for inside, as the weather warms and we get ready for new growth it's time to clean back some of the old growth.

It's easy to get carried away with those pruning shears and it's not long before those piles of yard debris begin to stack up.

Instead of throwing all of that debris into the landfill or allowing it to get into the local waterways there's a better way for Lafayette residents to recycle that waste for future use.

The parish offers a composting program for yard waste and will even come and pick it up for you at no extra cost.

If you have yard waste that needs picking up, simply bring it to the curb when you take out your trash and keep it separated from your recycle bin and garbage can by about three feet.

A large pile of yard waste can be dropped off at the compost facility in Lafayette, located at 400 Dugas Road, for 6 dollars a cubic yard or roughly 24 dollars for a 16 foot trailer.

All that yard waste is then turned into compost that can be used for landscaping or other garden projects which is free to residents of Lafayette and the unincorporated areas.

Not only will the compost be a great, organic way to boost nutrients in the garden but it can also keep that organic material from breaking down in our waterways.

As organic matter breaks down, it uses up oxygen and when that process happens in our local waterways it uses up oxygen that is used by fish and other wildlife.

So by recycling that waste and not allowing it to blow into drains it helps keeps our bayous clean.

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