

Unseasonably warm and breezy week ahead

Euro 500mb Sfc Temps.png
and last updated



Here we are in the final stretch of the Mardi Gras season and for the most part, the weather has cooperated.

We will remain mostly rain-free right up thru Fat Tuesday, but at the same time, it is going to be turning unseasonably warm and breezy as high pressure starts to dominate the forecast.

Euro 500mb Sfc Temps.png
Upper Pattern

Plan on highs to push well into the mid-upper 70s both Lundi and Mardi Gras day.

ICAST Next 48 Hour Temprs Rob.png
High temperatures
ICAST Next 48 Hour Temps Rob.png
High temperatures

Winds will be out of the south at around 10-20 mph with gusts a little higher at times.

Sustain Wind Forecast

I have to put a small, 10-20% rain chance in there simply because we could see one or two very isolated showers somewhere in Acadiana albeit not very likely.

It only gets warmer for the mid-latter parts of the week as highs push the lower and even mid-80s in spots.

We don't see much change in the forecast thru the weekend as we stay warm and relatively rain-free.

Have a great week and Happy Mardi Gras!

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