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Stephensville Elementary installs first StoryWalk

Part of HealthyCommunities grant efforts in St. Martin Parish

The Town of Stephensville now has its own StoryWalk.

It's an outdoor reading experience where pages from a children's book are placed on signs along a walking trail.

"StoryWalks are a wonderful way to combine physical activity with literacy," said Charlar Brew, director of St. Martin Parish Library. "This may seem like an odd mix, but it's an innovative way to get people of all ages out walking while reading books."

The project, which will be finished next year, is funded by a grant from the LSU Ag Center Healthy Communities Program. The grant will also install walking trail fitness signs, featuring distance markers, exercise prompts, and health messages, and a community garden in the parish.

Wednesday, students at Stephensville Elementary presented signs for the installation at the town's park. One student from each grade was chosen to participate in the presentation.

"We saw a need in our community, especially during the pandemic, for more physical opportunities that were free and open to the community," explained LSU Ag Center Nutrient Agent Jessica Randazzo. "So we wanted to enhance what were already there in the parks and one of those ways being with StoryWalks. These are funded by the St. Martin Parish Library, but LSU Ag Center also has acquired a grant to provide even more."

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