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Online notary prep classes starting soon at SLCC

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South Louisiana Community College's Corporate College will now offer an online Notary Exam Prep course in addition to the online hybrid/in-person course. This course will prepare students for the State's Notary exam administered on August 29.

The $449 online Notary Exam Prep course will run for 13 weeks. The instructor-led online class will run on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. from June 3 - August 26. This class will be held online for the duration of the course.

The 15-week online hybrid/in person course is $499. This course will be taught online until it is safe to convene in groups of 15 or less. When that is possible, class will be held at SLCC's T.H. Harris Campus in Opelousas. The class will run from May 19 - August 25 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings.

Online registration is open for both courses at

The Notary Exam Prep course will cover the unique system of law and courts in Louisiana, as well as drafting donations, acts of sale, contracts, conveyances of real property, testaments, small successions, and business entities.

"With the exam's overall pass rate of 20%, enrolling in a prep course is a good first step," said Nancy Roy, Outreach and Engagement coordinator for SLCC's Corporate College. "Our Notary instructors are practicing Louisiana attorneys and commissioned Louisiana notaries who are able to explain the complex legal scenarios that they will be examined on to qualify to be a Louisiana notary."

The Louisiana Notary Association states on their website that commissioned Louisiana Notary Publics can prepare acts of sale, wills, trusts, real estate transfers, matrimonial agreements, acts of adoptions, and other instruments in writing.

South Louisiana Community College (SLCC) created the Corporate College in 2015 to offer continuing education courses, leisure learning programs, and customized training for businesses across 10 campuses. Short-term training programs are available to prepare community members to meet the demands of area businesses.

For more information about SLCC's Notary Public Exam Prep course, contact Nancy Roy at

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