In St. Landry Parish School Board employees are back to work, already making preparations for next school year, but with the pandemic there is still so much up in the air.
After being away for nearly three months, St. Landry Parish School System employees are back in their offices. Superintendent Patrick Jenkins says they're following the governor's guidelines to ensure the safety of all employees.
"One employee will enter the building one at a time into the foyer area. When they come in they have a series of questions they must answer related to COVID-19 and in addition to that we take their temperature," said Jenkins.
Factors such as age and health concerns went into making the decision of reopening.
"All employees are required to wear masks when they'll not in their offices. We have other disinfectant things for our work spaces, as well as signs that are posted in terms of maintaining social distancing," said Jenkins.
As for next school year, Superintendent Jenkins says no definitive plans have been made when it comes to in-person learning but, they are using their virtual school program as a test in case students have to learn from home in the fall.
This is an unprecedented times, but we're gonna ensure to the public that we're working really hard, the board and I as well as the staff in coming up with a plan that's gonna be beneficial to students and employees so that they can be safe come fall of this year," said Jenkins.
The district is working on how visitors can safely be in the building. Jenkins says next week they're anticipating opening up the school board to the public on a limited basis.
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