

Rare High Wind Warning for Acadiana; severe storms possible this afternoon

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A rare High Wind Warning will be up through the day on Wednesday as winds ahead of the front will be gusting around 50-60 mph and at times even a little higher in isolated areas.

Those winds will becoming directly from the south and will be capable of producing some damage, so be sure to keep an eye out for loose branches and other debris.

If you can try and avoid windows during the middle part of the day when the winds are the strongest, and certainly as the thunderstorms push across Acadiana.

Travel will also be impacted, particularly for high profile vehicles traveling east and west bound so extra caution should be taken if you're out on the roadways.

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Winds have already averaged about 30-40 mph through the early morning hours, and that will increase as we get closer to lunch time.

The strongest gusts will arrive just before the front pushes through so expect the most blustery conditions to take place in the early afternoon.

Since the winds will be directly from the south expect the tides to be running higher than normal, and some minor coastal flooding is going to be possible (especially during high tide).


Along with the winds there is a substantial threat for some severe weather across Acadiana, as storms will strengthen as the front moves from west to east.

The SPC has most of Acadiana with an Enhanced Risk of severe weather Wednesday, although the very northeast corner falls under that Moderate Risk area where the strongest storms are expected to occur.

Isolated tornadoes and small to medium sized hail will be possible in those storms, with the larger, more violent tornadoes likely just to our east although a lot of those storms will initiate in Acadiana.

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While the primary threat for Acadiana is going to be those strong straight line winds the dynamics are in place for a few rotating thunderstorms so we'll need to monitor for isolated tornadoes.

Hail will be possible with some of the storms as well, with some storms producing up to marble sized hail.

The system is moving to fast to produce much of a flooding threat, but we could be looking at a half inch to an inch of rain arriving in a quick downpour as the front arrives.


The winds will be with us through out the day, but will peak in the hours leading up to the front and when that front is passing through the area.

Frontal passage will take place in the afternoon, moving into Acadiana just after lunch time and exiting the region to the east just before the commute home.

Clouds through the day should help limit some of the instability, but if any isolated storms develop ahead of the front they will need to be monitored closely.

Once the front passes the winds will start to relax, although it'll remain breezy, and some cooler air will push back into Acadiana with a beautiful day on tap for Thursday.

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