

Quiet start to what will eventually be an unsettled week

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It's shaping up to be a fairly unsettled week across Acadiana with a gradual increase in cloud cover the next few days and the eventual arrival of showers and thunderstorms by the weekend.

Monday will start on the quiet side, with clouds lingering through the morning before eventually giving way to some sunshine in the afternoon.

Temperatures are still running higher than normal with the high on Monday pushing all the way up into the upper 80s.

Winds will remain steady out of the south pushing 10-15 mph, with gusts a little higher, and expect an increase in those winds to arrive on Tuesday.

Clouds will return to Acadiana on Tuesday, followed by a scattering of showers by the middle of the work week.

Showers will be scattered on Wednesday but their coverage will gradually increase through the week, leaving a pretty wet stretch of weather for Friday and Saturday.

Early indications are that Acadiana could receive several inches of rainfall through the last few days of the week, so we'll monitor those number to see if a flooding threat develops.

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