

Quiet in Acadiana, but not in the tropics

and last updated

After Monday's front Acadiana has been left with a rare round of dry air across the region, which will allow a day with highs in the upper 90s to be as comfortable as possible.

The dry air will allow for those temperatures to push to around 96 degrees, but since the humidity is in check the heat index will likely stay just shy of that triple digit mark.

It also gives us a rare day of minimal rain chances, something Louisiana doesn't get to see all that often this time of year, and sunshine will be the main order of business.

Tuesday night's lows will once again drop down into the low 70s but with dewpoints starting to tick back up for the mid week this "comfortable" weather won't stick around too long.

As one could probably guess we will be back to normal by the end of the work week.

There's a couple of disturbances that currently sit in the Atlantic that both have decent chances to further develop and possibly become the next named storms of the season, which would be Laura and Marco.

The disturbance in the Caribbean has a 60% chance for further development over the next five days, and may stay more an open wave, but the one in the Atlantic looks like development is likely by the weekend.

It's a little too early to start doing big model break downs and looking at the different nuances of the EURO and GFS forecast (neither are close to the other) and since this is so far away models aren't overly reliable.

What we can say though with a decent bit of confidence is that the wave in the Caribbean looks to move through into the Yucatan Peninsula and will likely remain in the southern Gulf, it's the disturbance in the central Atlantic that needs to be watched a little closer.

That second disturbance looks to be an issue for the central to eastern Gulf Coast late next week, but again there's still many, many question marks regarding the outcome of this storm.

So all that being said what does this mean for us here in south Louisiana? How should we be thinking about and monitoring this system?

Right now is a good time to review your hurricane plan, make sure that you know how you plan on handling any approaching storm since there's still a long way to go with this storm.

Monitor the forecast trends, there will be a lot of changes in the forecast and the best way to handle these changes is to notice how a forecast will change from day to day, and don't get hung up on one particular forecast.

Stay tuned to KATC as we will be keeping a very close eye on things and as the forecast changes we will not only bring you those changes but also what it could mean in regards to a potential tropical system.
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