Two candidates are seeking election to the District 4 seat on the new Lafayette Parish Council: Roddy Bergeron and John Guilbeau. Both candidates are registered Republicans.
Lafayette voters decided last year to de-consolidate the Lafayette City-Parish Council. Now everyone in the parish will vote on a new parish council member, and people living in the city limits will vote on both a parish council member and a city council member. If you want to know what districts you are in, check your ballot by clicking here .
Parish District 4 stretches roughly from E. University to E. Broussard Road and from Johnston St. To E. Verot School Road. If you want to see a map of the districts, CLICK HERE:
Each of these candidates has a Facebook page.
Roddy Bergeron's Facebook page:
John Guilbeau's Facebook page:
We've asked all candidates for both councils the same set of questions.
Here are the questions and each candidate's answers.

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself in five sentences – who are you and what’s your background?
My name is Roddy Bergeron, and I am running for a seat on the Lafayette Parish Council (District 4). I am from a small, rural town called Prairie Ronde, which is just outside of Opelousas, but I have been a Lafayette resident for the past 15+ years. Currently, I am employed as Chief Operating Officer at Enterprise Data Concepts, LLC, a local small business started by one of Lafayette’s own. I have been married to my wife, Megan Bergeron, for 10 years, and I am a father to two darling girls, Emma (5 years old) and Isabelle (2 years old). Over the past few years, I’ve been heavily involved in the community here in Lafayette, serving on multiple non-profit and advisory boards, mentoring for students at Willow Charter Academy, and being named one of the Top 20 Under 40 in Acadiana last year. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, participating in local recreational activities, learning new/exciting skills and concepts, staying informed of local issues by attending council meetings, and being involved in the community.
2. Why do you want to run for office?
As I continue to work and volunteer in my community, I've learned that one way to build better, stronger communities is to ensure our local government leaders are making decisions in the best interests of its people. Local government, in my view, is strictly a service-oriented position. We need to be working for the good of our local people, and that's what I want to do for my community. When nearly three years had passed from the great flood of 2016 and my daughter was still afraid of losing our home to flooding, I realized nothing had changed for the good of the community. I never thought I would run for office, but I felt the calling, and so I answered. The future of Lafayette's families rest in the hands of their local leaders, and we need people who aren’t afraid to make difficult decisions in the best interest of the community. I pride myself on being one who doesn't shy away from a challenge, and I always strive to help other people in all facets of my life. Running for office is another way I can serve my community.
3. What issue is the most important for you to tackle in your district?
The issue of flooding and proper drainage, I think, is a common priority for the majority of our community as well as in District 4. How we approach those issues and come to finding solutions should be carefully considered with expert informants, fiscal responsibility, and predictive insight. For example, when you see that the parish cannot properly maintain roads, fire maintenance, or the DA’s office, it shows that we need to address our budget issues first and foremost. Having a solid flood or road maintenance plan can't come to fruition without proper funding. I believe that if we tackle our budget issues with an open mind and with input from the people of District 4, we can fund our priorities properly and have sustainable, lasting benefits for our community.
4. What distinguishes you from other candidates?
I know that the Parish Council has an extremely tough job to do in 2020. We will need the people of our parish to work with us, to tell us their concerns, to tell us what they want, and to share their ideas on how they would like to see these issues addressed. I am open to all ideas, even ideas that I don’t initially agree with, and if someone some comes to me with a feasible plan, it won't be ignored. District 4 deserves someone who will actively listen to not only to people's issues, but to the solutions they have as well. Our community has so many creative, intelligent people out there. My willingness to listen, to think critically, and to approach tough issues that are important to our people is what sets me apart from other candidates and will set the tone for the new Parish Council, being a true representative board of the people it serves.

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself in five sentences – who are you and what’s your background?
Republican; married 48 years to my best friend (Vickie) with 3 sons; Grandfather of 8; St. Edmond Church Parishioner; US Navy Veteran; retired - senior administrator Louisiana Department of Education; USL and Univ. of Tennessee Graduate; one who has served on several city/parish committees including Citizens Advisory Committee and Planning & Zoning Commission.
2. Why do you want to run for office?
I have the passion to serve for the betterment of our communities as a whole. This passion comes from a desire to leave our communities better for generations to come. I do not seek office for personal benefit – the reward is in the giving of my time as we build our communities together.
3. What issue is the most important for you to tackle in your district?
I place Families First – and it begins with strong, proactive leadership to address drain management, development of a budget with sustainable revenue, promote economic growth, safe neighborhoods, and to deliver a government of the people.
4. What distinguishes you from other candidates?
My experience in working with people to get things done, knowledge of the issues, a communicator who places a high premium on being a good listener that values the voice of the people, and one who will serve as a full-time public servant, tirelessly.