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Biden signs bill to lift limits on sex abuse lawsuits

Joe Biden signing

A federal law has lifted the limits on civil lawsuits by child sex abuse.

Last year, a similar law was passed in Louisiana, giving child abuse victims a chance to file suits for old claims.

That bill took effect in 2021, and allows victims of sex abuse to file suits against anyone involved for the next three years. If someone was convicted in connection with the abuse, there is no limit on filing suits. Previous law allowed people to file suit for ten years after their 18th birthday.

The federal law doesn't put a time limit, but instead just lifts any restriction related to time for a victim of child sex abuse. It was introduced in the Senate in October 2021, and finally passed in the House on September 13, according to Congressional records. The president signed the bill on Friday, White House records show.

Biden's signing of this bill eliminating the civil statute of limitation for child sex abuse victims gives me and others whose cases were dismissed, another chance to be heard.

John-Michael Lander is an adult survivor of child sex abuse. As a teen, he was a victim of Dr. Strauss at Ohio State University. Today, he speaks on behalf of child sex abuse survivors and works with The Army of Survivors, which seeks to support survivors who are athletes.

"Biden's signing of this bill eliminating the civil statute of limitation for child sex abuse victims gives me and others whose cases were dismissed, another chance to be heard," Lander said.