

Mayor-President: 'Our greatest days of Lafayette are ahead of us,' day of Mouton removal

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Community leaders and evangelists gathered in unity for the removal of the Mouton Statue in downtown Lafayette before noon today.

They spoke on Christianity and unity of people, as Lafayette is a diverse city of many cultures, they say.

One man is heard saying, "One cannot love God and not love his brother and sister," as the statue has been a symbol of one side of history.

Mayor-President Joshua Guillory was present for the event, "This day is a historic day in Lafayette, this is a day that starts a process of healing for our community. Let's talk about process, we honor our community, we did not come and just take down a statue, but people came together to organize this, and I am proud of our community. I never been more proud of Lafayette."

As he concluded to continue their prayer service before the removal, Guillory said, "Our greatest days of Lafayette are ahead of us, Lafayette Louisiana stands for dignity and equality."

He said, America's greatness is starting to be recognized.

Guillory concluded the Facebook Liveby blessing the ground with a holding of hands with the Lord's Prayer.

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