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Louisiana legislative leaders establish advisory task force to help jump-start state economy

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UPDATE: Due to a high volume of interest in the Task Force, membership is set to expand. An announcement regarding the final membership roster will follow.

This private-sector advisory Task Force will collaborate to develop practical, specific recommendations, to jump-start the Louisiana economy in the short term and work toward a stronger economy in the long term as well. Its first meeting will be convened virtually before the end of April, with formal recommendations from the Task Force expected by July 1.

Louisiana State Senate President Page Cortez and House Speaker Clay Schexnayder announced on Friday the creation of a private-sector task force to advise the Louisiana Legislature on the reopening of the state's economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The task force will consist of representatives from a wide range of business sectors in Louisiana, including oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturing, automotive, banking, hospitality, food and beverage, trucking, construction, and medical, to name a few.

The Louisiana Legislative Advisory Task Force on Economic Recovery is charged with developing comprehensive policy, legislative, and regulatory recommendations to immediately re-start the Louisiana economy and to invest in the long-term recovery of households, workers, and businesses from the COVID-19 crisis.

President Cortez stated, "The people of our state have come together to fight an unprecedented public health crisis. It's now time to come together to fight a historic economic crisis. We must draw on our collective knowledge and expertise to chart the way forward."

"Louisiana's workers and entrepreneurs are resilient. But they need elected officials at the federal, state, and local level to lay the best possible foundation for a full recovery. This group of private-sector leaders will offer advice and perspective that will help state officials set the stage for long-term growth," added Speaker Schexnayder.

This private-sector advisory Task Force will collaborate to develop practical, specific recommendations, to jump-start the Louisiana economy in the short term and work toward a stronger economy in the long term as well. Recommendations might include statutory and regulatory changes, as well as state aid for affected businesses and workers.

The Louisiana Legislative Advisory Task Force on Economic Recovery will be chaired by nationally recognized tax policy expert, Jason DeCuir of Ryan. DeCuir noted: "With every challenge, there is opportunity. I look forward to working with business leaders from diverse regions and industries to offer creative solutions for our elected officials to consider and act upon. It's a long road ahead, and gathering input to develop solutions is a critical first step."

The first Task Force meeting will be convened virtually before the end of April with public online viewing capability. The Task Force will meet virtually and in-person throughout May and June as public health conditions allow and may consider expert testimony. Legislative leadership will receive a report with formal recommendations from the Task Force by July 1.


Page Cortez, Louisiana President of the Senate
Clay Schexnayder, Louisiana Speaker of the House
Sen. Bodi White, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee
Rep. Jerome Zeringue, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee
Bret Allain, Chair of the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee
Stuart Bishop, Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee


Chair: Jason DeCuir, Ryan
Congressional Liaison: David Stokes, Chief of Staff to US Senator John Kennedy

Governor's Appointee: TBD
(Non-Legislative) Appointee of the Senate President: TBD
(Non-Legislative) Appointee of the House Speaker: Lionel Rainey III

Scott Ballard, Ballard Brands (Covington)
Dr. Stephen Barnes, ULL Blanco Public Policy Center (Lafayette)
Greg Bowser, LCA (Baton Rouge)
Gifford Briggs, LOGA, (Baton Rouge)
Richard Neal, Golden Nugget (Lake Charles)
Blake Chatelain, Red River Bank (Alexandria)
Chett Chaisson, Greater Lafourche Port Commission, (Cut Off)
David Cresson, CCA Louisiana (Baton Rouge)
Representative from ExxonMobil (Baton Rouge)
Hank Danos, Danos (Gray)
Maura Donahue, Donahue Favret (Covington)
Lavelle Edmonson, Marathon Petroleum Company (Garyville)
Friday Ellis, small business owner (Monroe)
Meryl Kennedy Farr, Kennedy Rice Mill LLC (Mer Rouge)
Tommy Faucheux, Dow (Plaquemine)
John Finan, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (Baton Rouge)
Dr. Craig Green, Baton Rouge Orthopedic Clinic (Baton Rouge)
Tyler Grey, LAMOGA (Baton Rouge)
Steven Grissom, The Newtron Group (Baton Rouge)
Bryan Hanks, Beta Land Services (Lafayette)
Beverly Haydel, Sequitur (Baton Rouge)
Michael Hecht, GNO Inc. (New Orleans)
Art Farve, Performance Contractors (Baton Rouge)
Adam Knapp, Baton Rouge Area Chamber (Baton Rouge)
Vic Lafont, South Louisiana Economic Council (Houma)
Ray Lasseigne, TMR Exploration (Bossier City)
Scott Martinez, North Louisiana Economic Partnership (Shreveport)
Matt McKay, AllStar Automotive Group (Baton Rouge)
Jude Melville, B1Bank (Baton Rouge)
Quentin Messer, New Orleans Business Alliance (New Orleans)
Scott Poole, Roy O Martin (Alexandria)
Art Price, Badger Oil (Lafayette)
Deborah Randolph, Central Louisiana Chamber of Commerce (Alexandria)
Dave Roberts, Excel (Baton Rouge)
Joel Robideaux, Former legislator and mayor-president of Lafayette (Lafayette)
Ruffin Rodrigue, Ruffino's Restaurant (Baton Rouge)
Chris Schouest, Schilling Distributing Company (Lafayette)
Loren Scott, Economist (Baton Rouge)
Doug Shipley, Fairgrounds Race Course (New Orleans)
Craig Spohn, Cyber Innovation Center (Bossier City)
Nathalie Simon, Laitram Manufacturing (New Orleans)
Dennis Stine, Stine Lumber (Lake Charles)
George Swift, The Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance (Lake Charles)
Stephen Waguespack, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (Baton Rouge)

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