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Phase Two businesses prepare to reopen

Posted at 11:38 PM, Jun 03, 2020

For the first time in nearly three months, many businesses will soon be able to say, "We're open."

Phase Two of the State's economic recovery begins on Friday.

Tattoo Shops, spas, event centers and other businesses that have been closed will reopen. However, amusement parks and sleep away camps will stay closed. Phase Two will last at least three weeks.

In Lafayette, for more than two decades, AAA Tattoo artists have left their mark on clients. In March, the business was ordered to shutdown amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"We've all been kind of sitting back for three months almost," said AAA Tattoo manager Karen Wallace.

She says customers have been keeping in touch since they closed. Now, they're excited to get back to work and creating.

"We've had people that have been loyal customers of ours for a really long time and we've developed relationships with them and to get this type of positive response, it feels really good."

Wallace said the shop will follow strict guidelines from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.

All employees must be tested for COVID-19 before returning to work, customers will be screened for a temperature and everyone will be required to wear PPE. Walk-ins will not be allowed.

"Everybody that we have talked to has been really positive and nobody has been negative about it. They've been really understanding," Wallace said.

Although a lot of businesses will reopen Friday, some won't be ready just yet.

Pascale's Spa in Lafayette says they're waiting on guidance from the cosmetology board to ensure customer safety and comfort.

Pascale's released the following statement to KATC:

As we await the official proclamation from the Governor’s office, we continue to make the necessary preparations for our upcoming reopening before we announce an opening date. We know that this time has brought about a great deal of uncertainty and stress to the people of our community and it is our goal to continue being, as we have for 33 years, an oasis of health, wellness and relaxation for the residents of Acadiana. With that in mind, we want to assure our clients that we have taken and will continue to take measures to make sure that we open our doors in the safest and most efficient way possible. The spa has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout our closure and we will continue to clean and sterilize beyond what is already standard procedure in our industry.

So how will your spa day look different than it did pre-pandemic? Clients and employees will be required to wear masks, practice social distancing and follow entry protocols. Service time will be extended to allow ample time in between each client to extensively clean and disinfect. Due to distancing requirements, some services will take place in private rooms. If anything, the guidelines will provide a quieter and more relaxing experience. We know that now more than ever, clients are likely desiring a sense of normalcy. Our promise is to do everything that we can to provide that in a place that so many in our community have long considered a sanctuary that feels like home with a staff that feels like family.

Thank you for your unwavering patience and support, Acadiana. We can’t wait to welcome you all home.

Pascale’s Spa

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