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Lawsuit filed by Lafayette man shot by police dismissed

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LAFAYETTE — A federal judge has dismissed the lawsuit that was filed by a Lafayette man who was shot by police in 2015.

On September 12, while Lafayette police officers responded to Sonny Street to arrest a man on active warrants, 23-year-old Tevin Lewis was standing among a group of people on the street.

Once police arrived, Lewis fled into the direction of Soulier Street.

Newly released surveillance video shows Lewis running as an officer chased him while pointing a gun.

Lewis, who was armed with a gun that was attached to a lanyard around his neck, was shot in the back by the officer.

Police say he wouldn't show his hands, but Lewis contends his hand was tangled up in his lanyard.

Lewis was arrested for illegal carrying of weapon, resisting arrest and felon in possession of a firearm.

The case went to court in 2016, and a local grand jury decided the officer would not face charges.

Lewis eventually agreed to a plea deal. He's now serving a 10-year sentence for being a felon in possession of a firearm. In exchange, the state dropped the two other charges.

He sued the police department in 2016, but ultimately, the judge decided he was not entitled to a financial settlement.

"I pray for him. I pray that he can go with his life. He's got a loving family who loves him, and he'll be okay," said Bishop John Milton, Lewis's attorney. "But, I'll tell you it would be nice if he had some sense of justice that when he comes out, he doesn't have to be afraid to know that he's a human being and does not deserve to be shot in the back."

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