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Mild Winter allows mosquito to stay active

and last updated

As you have probably noticed, it has been a rather mild and rainy winter in Acadiana.

Executive Director for Iberia Parish Mosquito Control Herff Jones says, "If these conditions continue we may expect mosquitoes to be active sooner then we would plan."

And as long as temperatures remain on the warm side you will see mosquitoes buzzing around.

Jones says, "Anytime it gets above 50°F or close to 55 they're okay being outside."

Even if we do get another cold snap with freezing temperatures, it won't be enough to kill off the mosquitoes.

So if you notice mosquitoes flying around your house, make sure to eliminate any standing water, which could be breeding spots for them as the parish won't start spraying for several more weeks.

According to Jones, "We start in very early April with our surveillance traps and our spray operations on the ground or in the air."

And besides mosquitoes, crane flies are enjoying the mild winter with their numbers already on the rise throughout Acadiana.