NewsYour Neighborhood Around AcadianaIberia Parish


Grocery stores adjust to new parish wide order

Allowed hours of operation are 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.
and last updated

Business owners in New Iberia made adjustments quickly, as a parish-wide order went into effect at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

"We read the parish president's mandates starting for 5 o'clock today we went ahead and started this morning. We opened at six am, and we're going to close at eight pm," said Owner of Lydia Food Store, Janna Broussard.

Lydia Food Store in New Iberia typical day starts at 4:30 a.m., so when they opened at six instead, customers noticed the change.

"A few of them came this morning were a little upset that we weren't open until 6 a.m. But, most of them understand," said Broussard.

Iberia Parish President Larry Richard has added a few other safety precautions, including how many people are allowed to be in the store at one time. Most of the owners have posted signs reminding customers of social distancing rules while shopping.

"Our customers have been really cooperative with us; they understand, they really understand," said manager Dee Delahoussaye.

Just a few miles down the road, employees at Menard Brothers Grocery have also been experiencing similar reactions from customers.

"Most of the big stores like Walmart and Super Store around here they already have their own rules. So, whenever they come in here and see there are more than six people, they already start getting apart and separate, so we don't have to tell them," Miram Castillo.

These changes are expected to continue until April 30th.