

LDH releases public health recommendations for upcoming K-12 school semester

LDH Omicron Recommendations

Governor John Bel Edwards and a panel of doctors discussed the Omicron surge as we head into the New Year holiday — and a new year for students.

"We do have a public health recommendation in place to mask universally indoors across settings, including K-12 schools," said Theresa Sokol, state epidemiologist with the Louisiana Department of Health.

Along with this, LDH recommends once again social distancing during school meal times — saying this is a prime time for outbreaks to occur because wearing masks is not possible.

It's also pushing for something new — suspending extra-curricular activities — noting this is necessary until statewide infections are below 200 per 100,000 people. Right now, LDH reports it's more than 750 per 100,000 people.

Beyond this, LDH says children should get vaccinated when eligible and be tested before going back to school.

"If schools implement these measures, then I do believe that there can be a real reduction in risk of transmission," Sokol said.

Governor Edwards agreed — and has a suggestion.

"I would encourage you to add being vaccinated to your list of New Year's resolutions, and do it in a way that you're going to keep it," he said. "Because as you know, a lot of New Year's resolutions are not necessarily kept."

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