

Lafayette sees spike in homicide cases, LPD working to decrease numbers

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Amid a startling trend nationwide, we're taking a closer look at homicide rates in Lafayette.

According to the FBI, homicides increased by 30% from 2019 to 2020.

Nationwide, it was the largest increase since 1960.

We were curious how Lafayette compares to the nationwide numbers.

Like the nationwide trend, Lafayette Police also investigated more homicides last year, than they did in 2019. The trend seems to be continuing this year.

"Most people have seen what has happened during the summer months and they would say that we are under siege. I beg to differ and I disagree."

During a town hall meeting this week, Lafayette Police Chief Thomas Glover addressed an increase in homicides in the city.

We looked at numbers for the past few years.

Homicides dropped significantly from 2017 (24 homicides) to 2018 (13 homicides), but like the nationwide trend, homicides increased from 2019 to 2020, up by three, or about 21%.

Chief Glover says police are working to keep the city safe.

"Out of the top 13 most wanted people in the city of Lafayette, we have now put 10 behind bars. What does that mean? It means that the city is safer,” Glover added.

With a few months left in the year, 2021 has already surpassed 2020 in homicides.

So far the department has investigated 18 cases, compared to 17 in all of last year.

"I just want people to know we're not sitting back taking this. I don't accept it as the chief of police and I'll go down fighting until I can't move to make sure that the city is safe,” said Glover.

While checking homicides numbers in Lafayette, numbers provided by the city, didn't always match up with what was reported to the FBI.

We're still working to get clarity on why.

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