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Special event to support the Pit Bull community in Acadiana

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LAFAYETTE — Pit Bulls and Pit Bull type dogs lined up outside of Spay Nation this week to get fixed for free, all thanks to the Stand up for Pits Foundation funding 800 procedures across the nation.

Louisiana is one of the eleven states partaking in the special event, and Spay Nation in Lafayette is the only clinic in the state hosting it.

"We are halfway through with our Angel Days week here at Spay Nation for Dogs and Cats," says Cathy Damiano, the head of operations at the clinic. "Angel Days is an initiative of the Stand Up For Pits Foundation, and they exist to advocate, to support and to educate on Pit Bulls and Pit Bull type dogs."

The organization was founded by actress, Rebecca Corry, who adopted a Pit Bull named Angel and gave her a second chance for a better life.

Friday, April 2nd, marks the fifth year anniversary of Angel's passing and to honor and remember her, the organization created Angel Day to give other dogs of her breed that same second chance.

"Pit Bulls, as we all know, do have a reputation that proceeds them," says Damiano. "We, and Stand up for Pits, believe that every dog is born inherently good, and that every dog deserves the same chance and Pit Bulls quite often don't get that chance."

"I am all for the Pit Bulls and trying to educate people," says owner Alana Marie Brown. "They're not vicious, now they have some that are mistreated and they act out for that, but if you give them the proper attention and treatment... I mean there is nothing wrong with them, they're just regular dogs."

Damiano says that within twenty-four hours of their first post about the event on Facebook, there were seventy appointments booked, and she believes that the event will encourage people to spay and neuter their pets to help the animal shelters in the area.

"Our shelters are full," says Damiano. "We don't need them breeding and we don't need accidental litters, so being able to offer this to our community is just an incredible thing and it's very much needed for us down here."

The Angel Days event ends on Thursday, April 1st, but Spay Nation says they offer low cost spaying and neutering for any breed all year round.
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