Sheriff Mark Garber and the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office will offer a free Youth Golf clinic June 15, 16, and 17 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm for ages 6-17 at The Wetlands Golf Course located at 2129 N. University Ave between Pont Des Mouton and I-10 overpass.
Following the Clinic, Sheriff Mark Garber Youth Golf Tournament will be held at Hebert Municipal Golf Course at 1121 Mudd Ave. Tuesday, June 22 (ages 6-11 only); Wednesday, June 23 (ages 12-17 only). This is a free youth event.
T-shirts, lunch, drinks, golf balls, and tees are provided. Golf clubs will be provided if needed (subject to availability). Door prizes will be awarded (must be present to win).
Entry forms are available at the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office or by following this link 2021 Sheriff Mark Garber Youth Golf Registration form.
For more information, call 337-456-6596. Entry forms may be mailed to “Youth Golf” P .O. Drawer 3508, Lafayette, LA 70502, faxed to 337-236-3943 or may be turned in at the clinic or tournament
COVID policies set forth by The Wetlands and Hebert Municipal Golf Course will be followed. Policies include wearing a mask while inside the clubhouse.
There is no separate registration form for the clinic - simply indicate on the bottom of the registration form for the tournament whether or not your child plans to also attend the clinic or if they will only attend the clinic.
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