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Operation Save a Life: Fire department offers free smoke alarms

Posted 2:37 AM, Mar 05, 2021
and last updated 2:37 AM, Mar 05, 2021

Smoke… alarm. Two words, five letters each. When you think about it in those terms, it’s kind of small. But when you think about what those things actually do---the benefits?—those are big, big, big.

Just in the last month, there have been multiple fires in Acadiana--- and in one, investigators say, there was no smoke or fire alarm to be found.

So, isn’t it great that--- year-round, actually-- the Lafayette Fire Department is part of a statewide program called “Operation Save A Life”. And this makes it even greater: Firefighters will not only bring to you a brand-new fire alarm, but they’ll install it as well.

We actually install them so all you have to do is fill out the application,” says Alton Trahan of the Lafayette Fire Department. “And then Lafayette Fire Department will send a fire truck out there to install it, give you some safety tips and make sure it’s working, so it’s very simple.”

Call the Lafayette Fire Department at 291-8700 or go to Lafayette Fire Department website and fill out a very short application. And if you have health concerns--rest assured--- there are multiple devices available.

Alarms and beepers for the visually-impaired. Bright devices for those hard-of-hearing. Or vibrating bed alarms that fit under mattresses. Operation Save A Life is designed to save “your” life and the lives of those you love.

And the cost to residents of Lafayette Parish? It’s more than reasonable. “There’s no bill,” smiles Trahan. “We give ‘em a smile, we give ‘em some safety tips, and just shake their hand, and tell ‘em if they ever need us, give us a call, don’t be afraid don’t be concerned. We’re here to protect them 24/7, free of charge.”

To get your free—and installed--- smoke alarm, call the Lafayette Fire Department at 337-291-8700.

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