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One Church Illustrated The True Meaning Meaning Of Good Friday


In Acadiana, Good Friday is often a day used to celebrate with crawfish or barbecue. But one local church focused on the sacrifice Jesus made.

Our Lady of Wisdom held an illustration to remind everyone of the sacrifice Jesus made on the Resurrection weekend.

Starting from the church grounds, citizens of Lafayette gathered to witness how Jesus was brought, then hung on a cross.

Although today most people are mingling with their families, Our Lady of Wisdom wanted to share the true meaning of this holiday.

Pastor Lawrence Levy says he wanted people to know why today is celebrated.

“It’s a representation of the death burial and reservation of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. So, at the end of the day I know a lot of times when holidays come people use that as a time for festivities and partying. But we can’t forget why we are having a holiday in the first place,” said Levy.

Once the event ended, a young boy who was in attendance said he loved the illustration. He also says he learned a few tips that he’ll use in his everyday life.

“God is good all the time and we have to push through pain even though times might be hard because that’s what Jesus did," Eric Saad said. "And always just be understanding of what is going on."