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Lafayette High School Band spread Christmas cheer through caroling

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LAFAYETTE, La. — In the midst of a pandemic, six Lafayette High School band members decided to take matters into their own hands and do a little bit of showing off, channelling the Christmas spirit.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are the Mighty Lions.

Watching people, especially young people make the best of this not-so-fun pandemic, just inspires me. And these six members of the Lafayette High band have decided they aren't going to let a pandemic keep them down or keep others, from being uplifted.

"For band, it's really hard for us to play right now, spiking numbers, holidays going on, good way for us to get in some practice play and also just have fun," says one of the band members.

Anthony, Chloe-Elijah, Seth, Sophie and CJ - five juniors and one sophomore going from house to house and offering the auditory gift of hope and joy.

"I just enjoy seeing the joy on people's faces when we knock on the door, and bombard them with music quite honestly," says Sophie.

"Just to see how everybody's faces light up, because during this time, with nothing to do, this just brings a little joy into people's lives," says Chloe.

Just listen and watch. How do you not feel better? How are you not able to, at least for a moment, put away for your concerns and troubles?

It's the power of music, and the power of teenagers.

"It's really fun to spend time with our friends and also fun to perform for people," says Anthony.

Fun facts: these fine young musicians all play the same instrument, the saxophone.

And they all agree that the one downside to their neighborhood caroling in December is the cold.

At varying levels, it's tough for all of us right now: our homes, our jobs, our families. But for these band members? To reconnect with the thing they love?

"Being able to finally play, playing is really nice because we have been able to do that with the pandemic," they say.

It just makes you feel good and it makes you say "yes."

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