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Fundraiser established for family of 15 year-old Lafayette High student

Jazmyn Walker died suddenly of respiratory illness
and last updated

LAFAYETTE, La. — Lafayette mother Jamie Prejean remembers her daughter, 15 year-old Lafayette High student Jazmyn Faith Walker, as someone who loved to sing and entertain. She talked about her daughter's ambition saying, "she wanted to be a star, she wanted to move to Hollywood, California and do singing, she was in Lafayette High School's Choir."

Jazmyn died suddenly Monday afternoon after developing a respiratory illness.

"Monday she wasn't feeling good to go to school and Monday night is when we lost her," explained Prejean.

Her family members at a complete loss, her sister Angela Walker described the impact her sister had on others.

"If any of y'all can remember Jazmyn, she was sweet and she had a positive impact on anybody that she met."

Jazmyn's grandfather James Prejean is a bass player and long-time member of Horace Trahan & The Ossun Express and he said his bond with his granddaughter was a special one.

"I always tell her 'I'm gonna go meet you at Lafayette High in that Zumba outfit,' and then she'd say 'Oh no pawpaw, don't come don't come,'" said Prejean.

When band leader Horace Trahan heard about what happened, he said he had to help.

"Anytime somebody would call and need help, you know, having a benefit fundraiser of any type and when I would call James, he would tell me 'Horace, where I gotta meet you and what time?'" explained Trahan.

He set up a fundraiser on his Facebook page to help raise money for the family, who doesn't have insurance, to help give Jazmyn a fitting memorial service. Jamie Prejean is grateful for the support and said she wants Jazmyn "to be showcased as the star that she was."

You can read more about the fundraiser and donate by clicking HERE.