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Community meeting to gather input on future of Lafayette parks

Drive Thru 4 Easter at Heymann Park.jpg

A community meeting on Monday will gather input from citizens on the future of three Lafayette Parks.

Lafayette Consolidated Government’s Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Culture (PARC) Department will host the meeting on February 21 at 5:30 pm.

Future plans for three parks, Heymann, Beaver, and Lil Woods Park, will be discussed.

PARC Director Hollis Conway says the planned I-49 Connector and the Trappey Development make it an ideal time to take a closer look at the three nearby parks.

“Connectivity between parks is important, and Heymann Park, in particular, houses the busiest recreation center in our community and is a valued neighborhood asset. It is important that residents share what they envision to enhance this beautiful park on the Vermilion River, as well as the other parks,” he said.

Heymann, Beaver, and Lil Woods Park Community Meeting

Monday, February 21, 5:30 p.m.
Heymann Recreation Center
1500 S Orange Street, Lafayette Consolidated Government

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