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Catholic Charities of Acadiana needs volunteers

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After the recent tornadoes devastated central Mississippi, Catholic Charities of Acadiana is stepping up to help.

"First and foremost we're praying for our brothers and sisters in Mississippi but additionally what we're doing we're collecting food and items on a very specific list. I do not know what the exact response is going to be it's hard for me to put a number on it but we estimate that we will need between 5 and 10 volunteers every 2 hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers will help unload and offload and wrap up supplies and put them on palettes." said Hart Littell, Director of Disaster Response.

If you plan on volunteering your contribution will be loading trucks full of supplies to send to those who are in need.

"So the specific item list that they've been requesting from Mississippi is diapers, charging stations, baby food, non perishable food items, paper towel, toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene, tarps that's 20 by 50 or greater, and hand towels." said Hart Littell, Director of Disaster Response.

Organizers at Catholic Charities of Acadiana say they are just returning the favor.

"It would kind of be our way of paying back that help that we've got in the past when we've had floods and hurricanes. It's kind of a let's help them now because they helped us in the past type operations so it would be critical to have as many volunteers and as much resources as we can get or donations as we can get to assist the people that we're affected by these tornadoes ." said Tony Credeur, Disaster Response Coordinator.

The relief drive will take place Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Catholic Charities of Acadiana Regional Disaster warehouse at 403 Ambassador Caffery Parkway in Lafayette.

If you are interested in volunteering click here.