The Scott Boudin Festival preparations are underway.
Expecting tens of thousands over the weekend
After not having a festival for two years because of the pandemic–30 percent more festival goers are expected, according to Don’s Specialty Meats owner Aubrey Cole.
“Friday night we’ll probably have about seven to eight thousand people but over the total of the weekend. We’ll probably have about 30 thousand people attend the festival.”
Edward Mire has lived in Scott for nearly 40 years. Where the festival will be directly in his front yard.
Mire says he enjoys the family friendly environment on the festival and zydeco.
“The Boudin the talking, the people, the music. They have some great music and it’s just a nice time,” Mire said.
Food Vendors are preparing for the influx in festival goers over the weekend, even serving other delecacies, according to The Best Stop General Manager, Damon Cormier.
“We’re doing Boudin, Smoked Boudin, we’re probably going to have a couple thousand pounds ready this weekend just for the festival. People are really going to enjoy our fried alligator and we only do it for Boudin Festival,” Cormier said.
“Boudin eggroles, we’ve got Boudin pepper jack, cheese boudin balls, regular boudin you name it we have it out here,” Cole said.
Six Boudin vendors preparing over 10 thousand pounds of boudin, live music, free shuttle parking and a boudin eating contestwhere you could win $500.

Owners say the festival is a great way for all to try what their businesses have to offer.
“There are still people out there that haven’t tried out products. They might try it for the first time at the Boudin Festival. Or maybe they had it years ago that says hey Best Stop is still there.”
“We encourage everyone to come on out and enjoy the family-friendly activities and as always eat more boudin,” Mayor Jan-Scott Richard said.
Admissions are $5 dollars. Boudin festival starts Friday at 5, for more info. Click here.
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