They're also requesting a copy of the Attorney General's opinion that Guillory requested once it's issued.
One week after Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory entered rehab, some on the council are going public with their concerns-- about the availability of the Mayor-President…
They're taking those concerns to the Attorney General's office.
The Guillory administration maintains the Mayor-President is available to do the job, while in rehab.
At issue, a provision in the home rule charter, which states if the Mayor-President is "unavailable" to Lafayette Parish for more than 48 hours, the council chairs must appoint an acting Mayor-President.
...However, according to the Guillory administration, arrangements have been made for the CAO and City-Parish attorney to have 24-hour access to the Mayor-President while he's in rehab.
Still, Guillory has requested an attorney general's opinion about that provision of the charter.
But some on the council say that request lacked clarity-- and context about the situation.
In this letter sent to the attorney general's office... Parish Council chair AB Rubin, city council chair Nanette Cook, and Vice-chair Glenn Lazard-- voice their concerns about governance in the absence of mayor-president Josh Guillory.
Specifically on his availability.
City Council chair Nanette Cook says she was also concerned about the request by Guillory for an attorney general's opinion... she says it didn't provide enough context.
“The information that we’ve been given about Rehab facilities, most programs don’t allow the engagement with your life, with your job, with anything because the idea is to engage with the program,” Cook said.
City Council Chair, Cook says she was also concerned about the request by Guillory for an attorney general's opinion... she says it didn't provide enough context.
“When we saw the letter submitted by Josh, parts were left out. The information on where he was or why he was not in Lafayette, as far as he is in a medical rehab facility, In-patient program. I think is relative to his availability,” Cook said.
The Guillory administration maintains, CAO Cydra Wingerter and City-Parish attorney Greg Logan have 24-hour access to the Mayor President while he's in rehab.
“The administration is making the argument that he is available. And without us have anything to verify that. It puts us in a peculiar situation,” Lazard said.
Lazard and Cook-- are calling for transparency.
“Give us something on an official letter head from a facility. That simply verifies what your telling us. In the terms of how we can reach him and the fact that he’s available. To do all the things that the administration is claiming, that he is able to do,” Lazard said.
They're also requesting a copy of the Attorney General's opinion that Guillory requested once it's issued.
We'll update you as the story develops.
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