A rusted out hot water heater was the cause of a major flooding over the holidays at the iconic Strand Theatre, located in the city of Jennings.
Restoration crews have pumped out over 3000 gallons of water, and working diligently to dehumidify the building, inaugurated in 1939.
"That was over the weekend of the holidays, with all of the freezing and everything, it pumped a lot of water in and had some flooding, we have been working the last couple of days with a lot of crews here to work on the restoration process and getting it dried out." said, Kaitlyn Little City of Jennings Events Coordinator.
Everything in the building will have to be removed and thoroughly cleaned.
They are preventing mold from growing inside and city of Jennings events coordinator Kaitlyn Little said, the theatre will be closed indefinitely for the next few weeks due to the flooding and safety is a huge concern.
"For a lot of people, it's a big impact, there's lot of emotional ties to the strand it's a beloved place for many of our theatre groups, and community groups, a lot of those groups themselves have been here helping make sure we get everything out." said, Kaitlyn Little City of Jennings Events Coordinator.