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Jeff Davis School Board decides to remain with August 17 start date

Posted 11:07 PM, Jul 30, 2020
and last updated 3:46 AM, Jul 31, 2020

Jeff Davis Parish School Board members convened in a special meeting Thursday evening to discuss moving the school start date in the district to after Labor Day.

Board members decided to remain with the previously set start date of August 17, which is the second date the board has considered. That date was recently pushed back from August 14 to the 17th.

Superintendent Kirk Credeur tells the Jennings Daily News that board members have received calls from parents asking that a delayed start be considered.

A start of the school year after Labor Day would have classes begin after September 7 and run through mid-June 2021.

JDPSB Vice President Jimmy Segura said of the vote, "The consensus with most board members was, let's go ahead and get started now. That whether it spikes or not - it might spike now, it may spike later. I guess they felt like there's not enough evidence to go either way, so we might as well get started."

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