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New Iberia activist calls for community effort after Monday shooting

New Iberia shooting Ann and Ivan Street

After one man was killed during an overnight shooting Monday in New Iberia, his family and his community are calling for answers.

22-year-old Christopher Flugence Jr. took his last breath near the intersection of Ivan and Ann St. in New Iberia on October 4.

His family described him as a caring person who they say was “all about family.”

He was an aspiring lawyer and a father of a one-year-old and two-month-old. The family says Christopher never wanted to harm anyone.

Following his death, they say, they just want answers.

Community activist Donovan D. Davis says one of the ways to get those answers is by bringing the community together.

“Through these deaths and the aftermath of these deaths. We need to yoke with the families. When we bind with the families, we can find out the answers to a lot of the problems that have confounded us,” he says.

While no one has been arrested in the case, Davis is encouraging the community to speak out and is calling on them to recognize Flugence and his family as one of their own.

“When we voice ourselves we build hope for other people to come forth to speak with power and authority, to speak with love," Davis says. "When we do that constantly, that’s when our communities will begin to rise again and we can regain that authority to reclaim our society.”

New Iberia police are asking anyone with information to contact Iberia Crimes Stoppers at 364-TIPS.

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