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Iberia Parish School Board delays vote on pay increase freeze

Iberia parish school board to review 2018-19 budget
and last updated

The Iberia Parish School Board is delaying its vote to consider putting a freeze on salary increases for teachers.

The board went into executive session but chose not to vote on the issue tonight.

Board President Dana Dugas said the board felt they didn't have a lot of information regarding the plan, and the discussion tonight was merely to look at the budget to see if it would be feasible for the board to make step increases. Those were due on July 1, so the proposition won't be discussed again until next year, Dugas said.

The temporary freeze is being considered because of the financial impact caused by COVID-19.

If approved, it would affect all employees who have not reached their maximum years in that job.

The board also discussed plans for the 2020-2021 school year at Wednesday's meeting.

Read more here.

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