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Hear from Elton Mayor candidates ahead of election day

Mike Pierrotti and Marilynn Granger
2024 Elton Mayor Candidates

ELTON, La. — DELCAMBRE, KATC — Early voting for the November election started today, and KATC TV-3 is giving you the information you need to cast your ballot in local races.

On Thursday, we're introducing you to the two candidates for Elton Mayor. We've asked each candidate the same questions, and their complete unedited responses are posted on our website in video and written form.

They're running for the remainder of the term of former Mayor Kesia Lemoine, who was removed from office by a recall election that was held earlier this year. After Lemoine was removed, the town council appointed councilman Michael "Mike" Pierrotti to serve until an election was held. He's running to keep the job, facing Marilynn Granger, who was part of the recall campaign.


Marilynn Granger

So Ms. Marilynn, what inspired you to pursue a career in local government?

"I was a former councilman for the town of Elton, and my goal years ago was to possibly run for mayor with recall election that came forward and passed successfully under my management. I prayed about it and prayed about it and just it was it just happened at the right moment, so I'm in it. Let's go."

Alrighty, and you stepped in here at a time where you would be stepping in here at a time when the former mayor was recalled, as you mentioned here in Elton, what are some challenges the community here is facing that you intend to tackle?

"There's a lot of challenges that we need to tackle. Um, complete, all the projects that were started, and to be able to continue looking for different opportunities to make our town successful again. But with the strength in the in the community, we're going to make it. We will make it."

Gotcha. And what are your plans for economic growth and development here in Elton?

"Looking forward to bringing a couple of businesses, hopefully to the economy, to our town, actually, to be able to go forward, I want to be an advocate for the park to make it a successful opportunity for our young children as well. My main concerns is the elderly and also for our children to have something to be proud of."

Thank you. And what are some qualities or characteristics you believe you have that set you apart from your opponent?

"I am a people person. I love everyone. I'm outspoken. If I don't know the answer correctly, I'm not gonna give you the correct answer until I know definitely in my heart that it is the truth and honesty. If I don't know it immediately, I will come back to you within a couple of hours or the next day or two, as soon as I find that proper answer."

Thank you. And what to you is so unique about Elton, and what makes you most proud to call this area your home?

"I was born and raised in Elton. Elton is my home. I'm proud of Elton. I love my people, and I want to go forward and bring it back, hopefully, like it was in the several years ago. Just it hardens my heart to know what we're going through right now. It breaks my heart so bad, but we have to go forward, and I will thrive on this, and I will do whatever I can to make Elton proud again."

Michael "Mike" Pierrotti

What inspired you to pursue a career in local government?

"I guess, going back to my prior time as councilman, it's been quite a few years ago where I served a four year term and recently retired, and there was a position open, and ran for council and got elected. Then the interim, the past mayor was recalled so, and they asked me to step up and assume that interim position until the election in November. So I took on that challenge, and also now am running for the remainder of the two year commitment for the Mayor in Elton now."

You stepped in at a time where the former Mayor was recalled here in Elton. What are some challenges the community here in Elton is facing that you intend to tackle?

"I guess the biggest challenges are several. One, the sewer system needs to be completely updated, which we've recently submitted for grants on that, and also matching funds, probably the tune of about $2 million. Also, we are no longer receiving funds from the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, which for the past 20 years we have, or 20 plus years. So that's a challenge. In regard to our budgeting, we just need to be able to tighten up our payout and live within our budget. I think we were, so far, we're doing a good job. In that regard, we just had two of our town employees, head clerk and our assistant water clerk, leave. So that's been a challenge, just trying to keep pace and catch them on the work that hadn't been completed since their departure. So, there's been numerous challenges. We've also implemented a new water meter system, which has been challenged in regard to the software piece, and learning the software to implement that program. So again, that's been a challenge. So a multitude of challenges for a small town and community, but we're going to overcome them soon."

What are your plans for economic growth and development here in Elton?

"I have several things in mind. We've recently received some new people coming in. We have a new not Pharmacy, a new health center coming in. We also have a new daycare center coming in. And actually, we have a meeting coming up with an economic development person, Ronnie Petrie, that works for Jeff Davis Parish, so we hopefully can come up with some ideas and innovative things to stimulate some growth, growth in a community. We are also citizen grants wherever we can in regard to possibly a park recreation plans to upgrade our current park with St Paul's Church. There's recently been a board selected by the church with one council member representing Elton town council. So I'm hoping that some new things come out about with the creation of this board and possibly a new Recreation District forum to create some tax revenue base to start those projects."

What are some qualities or characteristics you believe you have that set you apart from your opponent?

"Age, wisdom, transparency, honesty, and a commitment to do what's right for our residents, period. And always being open and honest with them, regardless of what the situation is. And I would not say that's my opponent doesn't have some of those qualities. That's not what I'm hearing. I think that's what that's what I'm all about."

What's so unique about Elton? What makes you most proud to call this area your home?

"I guess, because I've been here 73 years, and I want to see us grow and prosper. Years ago, this particular town had a lot of businesses in it, and over the years, they've gotten fewer and fewer, and that probably started when the Interstate 10 came through. So I think there's still some opportunity here, especially with the casino being close to us, and I feel like the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana is still going to partner with us on projects that would help their people as well as our residents, and I think that will be an ongoing thing keeping those relations alive and well with the tribe."