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Early voting underway: What's on your ballot?

and last updated

Early voting starts Saturday for the October gubernatorial primary election.

There are very full ballots across the state for this election. You can vote on election day, which is October 14, but you also can vote early. Early voting for that election will start September 30 and continue through October 7, excluding Sunday, October 1. Early voting happens at every parish's registrar's office and at some other locations in some parishes. To find out where you can vote early, contact your parish's Registrar of VotersOffice.

If you want to check your registration and what is on your personal ballot, click here.

Below are the candidates and propositions on the ballot in each parish. If a candidate was elected unopposed, it's not included. Otherwise, each candidate is listed in alphabetical order under the seat they're seeking, along with their registered party.

Everyone in Louisiana will be voting on state-wide elections and four proposed amendments to the state Constitution. To read our story about the amendments, click here.

Here's a list of the statewide races, followed by an alphabetical list of the candidates who qualified to run:

Benjamin Barnes, Independent
Patrick Henry "Dat" Barthel, Republican
Daniel M. "Danny" Cole, Democrat
Xavier Ellis, Republican
"Keitron" Gagnon, No Party
Sharon W. Hewitt, Republican
Jeffery Istre, Independent
"Xan" John, Republican
"Jeff" Landry, Republican
Hunter Lundy, Independent
Richard Nelson, Republican
John Schroder, Republican
Frank Scurlock, Independent
Stephen "Wags" Waguespack, Republican
Shawn D. Wilson, Democrat

Lieutenant Governor
Elbert Guillory, Republican
"Tami" Hotard, Republican
Willie Jones, Democrat
William "Billy" Nungesser, Republican
Bruce Payton, Independent
Gary Rispone, No Party

Secretary of State
"Gwen" Collins-Greenup, Democrat
"Mike" Francis, Republican
Amanda "Smith" Jennings, Other
Thomas J. Kennedy III, Republican
Nancy Landry, Republican
Arthur A. Morrell, Democrat
Clay Schexnayder, Republican
Brandon Trosclair, Republican

Attorney General
Lindsey Cheek, Democrat
"Marty" Maley, Republican
"Liz" Baker Murrill, Republican
John Stefanski, Republican
Perry Walker Terrebonne, Democrat

John Fleming, Republican
Dustin Granger, Democrat
Scott McKnight, Republican

Below are the ballots, by parish. What you actually vote on will depend on where you live; again, you can look at your personal ballot by searching here.


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

State Senator 25th Senatorial District
Mark Abraham, Republican
Joshua "Josh" Lewis, Democrat

State Representative 42nd Representative District
Chance Henry, Republican
Douglas J. "Doug" LaCombe, Republican

Clerk of Court
Laura Trahan Faul, Republican
Blane Faulk, Republican

Police Juror District 1
Walter Andrus, Democrat
Wayne D. Wilridge, Democrat

Police Juror District 2
Jamie Amie, Republican
"Fern" Hebert, Republican
Jeffery "Reddog" Morgan, Republican

Police Juror District 3
Kirk Aaron Guidry, Republican
"Keith" Henry, Republican
Michael R. "Big Mike" Richard, Republican
Dylan James Romero, Republican

Police Juror District 4
A.J. "Fatty" Broussard, Republican
Gordon "G-Ray" Morgan, Republican

Police Juror District 5
"Tim" Benoit, Independent
Eric J. Boudreaux, Independent
Marietta Leonards, Republican
Beau Petitjean, Independent

Police Juror District 6
A. J. "Jay" Credeur, Republican
Paul "Ed" Guidry, Republican
Chuck Lejeune, Republican

Police Juror District 7
"Pat" Daigle, Republican
James "Boz" Higginbotham, Independent

Police Juror District 8
Paul "Joe" Bellon, Republican
Troy A. Lantz, Republican

City of Rayne Proposition
(Tax Renewal)
Shall the City of Rayne, State of Louisiana (the "City"), be authorized to continue to levy a special tax of 5 mills on all the property subject to taxation within the City (an estimated $183,500 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating playgrounds and recreation centers for the City?

Second Ward Gravity Drainage District No. 2 Proposition
(Tax Continuation)
Shall Second Ward Gravity Drainage District No. 2 of Acadia Parish, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a tax of 9.03 mills on all of the property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $115,606 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating gravity drainage works within and for the District, said millage to represent a .14 mills increase (due to reappraisal) over the 8.89 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2023 pursuant to an election held on October 19, 2013?


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

State Senator 25th Senatorial District
Mark Abraham, Republican
Joshua "Josh" Lewis, Democrat

State Representative 34th Representative District
Wilford Carter Sr., Democrat
Kevin D. Guidry, Democrat
Franklin D. Lewis Sr., Democrat

District Judge 14th Judicial District Court, ES 1, Div. F
Sa'Trica Williams Bensaadat, Democrat
Bobby Holmes, Democrat

District Judge 14th Judicial District Court, ES 2, Div. C
William J. "Bill" Cutrera, Republican
Brad Guillory, Republican
Mark Judson, Republican

Dustan Abshire, Republican
"Les" Blanchard, Republican
Elizabeth Gray Carrier, Democrat
"Stitch" Guillory, No Party
Bradley Moss, Independent
"Mike" Reid, Republican

Police Juror District 1
Reath Chauvin, Republican
Darby Quinn, Republican

Police Juror District 2
Shawntel Carter-Willis, Democrat
Emile LeVon Fontenot, Democrat
Michael "Mike" Smith, Democrat

Police Juror District 3
Eddie Earl Lewis Jr., Democrat
Shelly Mayo, Democrat

Police Juror District 4
Mack Dellafosse Jr., Democrat
Tony Guillory, Democrat

Police Juror District 8
Mary Kaye Eason, Republican
Emily Fenet-Parker, Republican
Scott Washington, Republican

Police Juror District 9
Anthony L. Bartie, Democrat
Felicia Frank, Democrat

City of Sulphur Proposition
(Revised Home Rule Charter)
Shall the revised and restated Home Rule Charter for the City of Sulphur, prepared and submitted by the duly constituted citizen Charter Commission according to Article VI, Section 5, of the Constitution of Louisiana and other applicable law, be adopted?

Iowa Fire Protection District No. 1 Proposition
Shall Iowa Fire Protection District No. 1 of the Parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana (the "District"), incur debt and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $2,500,000 for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date thereof, with interest at a rate not exceeding 7.0% per annum, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining or operating fire protection facilities, machinery and equipment, including both real and personal property, and purchasing firefighting equipment to be used to provide fire protection of the property within the District, title to which shall be in the public, which said bonds shall be retired with, paid from and secured by an ad valorem tax on all taxable property within the limits of the District, sufficient in rate and amount to pay said bonds in principal and interest, with the estimated millage rate to be 14.00 in the first year of issue?


BESE District 8
Preston Castille, Democrat
Dolores "DeeDee" Cormier-Zenon, Democrat

State Representative 38th Representative District
Rhonda Leger Butler
Todd McKellar, Republican

Clerk of Court
Jebadiah "Jebby" Cormier, Republican
Randall M. "Randy" Deshotel, No Party

Police Juror District 1
Freeman Celestine, Democrat
Keith Saucier, Independent

Police Juror District 2
Jamie Fontenot, Republican
Sidney Fontenot, Republican

Police Juror District 4
"Tim" Causey, Republican
Lelia Johnson Thrasher, Republican

Police Juror District 6
Brent Guillory, Republican
Eric B. Soileau, Democrat
Donald R. Vidrine, No Party

Police Juror District 7
Kevin "Cabon" Fontenot, Republican
Bryan Vidrine, Republican

Police Juror District 8
Darion "Brother" Arvie, No Party
Earl "Tenny" Doucet, Democrat
Angelica Thomas Williams, Democrat
Sherman "DeeDee" Wilson, Democrat

Duralde Gravity Drainage District No. 4 Proposition
(Tax Renewal)
Shall the Duralde Gravity Drainage District No. 4 of the Parish of Evangeline, Louisiana (the "District"), continue to levy a special tax of eight and seventeen hundredths (8.17) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $74,972 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2025 and ending with the year 2034, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and operating drainage works within and for the District?

Mamou Fire Protection District No. 1 Proposition
(Tax Continuation)
Shall Mamou Fire Protection District No. 1 of Evangeline Parish, Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a special tax of eight and seven hundredths (8.07) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $268,525 reasonably expected at this time to be collected) for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2025 and ending with the year 2034, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and operating the District's fire protection facilities and acquiring equipment therefor, including fire trucks and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes?

Town of Mamou Proposition
(Ad Valorem Tax)
Shall the Town of Mamou, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to levy and collect a special tax of twelve and forty-five hundredths (12.45) mills on all property subject to taxation in said Town, for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033 ($240,000 reasonably expected to be collected in the first year of the levy of the tax), for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and/or operating public facilities, works and/or improvements in the Town for the following purposes and in the percentages set forth: 4.35% for recreation facilities; and 95.65% for public streets, sidewalks and alleys including the acquisition of equipment therefor?


State Senator 21st Senatorial District
Robert Allain, Republican
Henry "Bo" LaGrange, Republican
Stephen Swiber, Republican

State Senator 22nd Senatorial District
Hugh Andre, Republican
Dexter T. Lathan, Independent
Blake Miguez, Republican
Melinda Narcisse "Mel" Mitchell, Democrat
Phanat "PX" Xanamane, Democrat

State Representative 48th Representative District
"Beau" Beaullieu, Republican
David Levy, Democrat

State Representative 49th Representative District
Sanders "Sandy" Derise, Republican
David Eaton, Republican
Jacob Landry, Republican

Patrick "Shawn" Baque, Republican
Timothy Viator, No Party

Parish President
Ricky J. Gonsoulin, Republican
M. Larry Richard, No Party

Councilman District 9
Hubert Landry Jr., Republican
Scott Ransonet, Republican

Councilman District 10
Merv Boyance, Democrat
Eugene Olivier Sr., Democrat
Brock Pellerin, Republican

Councilman District 12
Courtney Broussard-Fitch, No Party
Lady "Fontenette" Brown, No Party

Councilman District 13
Caymen Crappell, Republican
"Chris" Feller, Republican

City of New Iberia Proposition
Shall the City of New Iberia, State of Louisiana (the "City"), levy a special tax of 6.83 mills (the "Tax") on all property subject to taxation in the City for a period of twenty (20) years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2043 (an estimated $1,350,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for the purpose of constructing, improving, and maintaining public roads and streets in the City?

Town of Delcambre Proposition
(Sales Tax)
Shall the Town of Delcambre, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to levy a 1% sales and use tax (the "Tax") in accordance with Louisiana law (an estimated $300,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years from January 1, 2024, with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable and necessary costs and expenses of collecting and administering the Tax) to be dedicated and used for the purposes of providing funds for public safety in the Town and for any other lawful purpose of the Town?


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

State Senator 25th Senatorial District
Mark Abraham, Republican
Joshua "Josh" Lewis, Democrat

Kyle Miers, Republican
"Chris" Myers, Republican
Ivy J. Woods, Independent

Police Juror District 2
Ann Bowman, Republican
Susette Mouton, Republican
Timothy Viator, No Party
Chad Woods, Republican

Police Juror District 9
Curt Guillory, Democrat
David J. LeJeune, Republican

Police Juror District 13
William "Bill" LaBouve, Independent
Chad Patrick Talbot, Independent
Dennis Vanicor, Republican

Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Ward 1
Andrew Benoit, Democrat
Kenny Hebert, No Party
"Pam" Leblanc, No Party

Fire Protection District No. 1 Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Fire Protection District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson Davis, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a special tax of 10.49 mills on all the property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $54,000 expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities and equipment in the District and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes?

Fire Protection District No. 4 Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Fire Protection District No. 4 of the Parish of Jefferson Davis, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a special tax of 5 mills on all the property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $185,800 expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of constructing and improving fire protection facilities and acquiring fire trucks and other equipment in the District?

Grand Marais Gravity Drainage District Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Grand Marais Gravity Drainage District, Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a 6.70 mills tax on all the property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $173,800 expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and operating gravity drainage works within and for the District?

Road District No. 10 of Wards One, Two and Three Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Road District No. 10 of Wards One, Two and Three of Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, except the City of Jennings and the Town of Lake Arthur (the "District"), be authorized to continue to levy a tax of 11.33 mills on all property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $933,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of improving and maintaining public roads within the District?


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

BESE District 8
Preston Castille, Democrat
Dolores "DeeDee" Cormier-Zenon, Democrat

State Senator 17th Senatorial District
Caleb Seth Kleinpeter, Republican
Peter Williams, Democrat

State Senator 22nd Senatorial District
Hugh Andre, Republican
Dexter T. Lathan, Independent
Blake Miguez, Republican
Melinda Narcisse "Mel" Mitchell, Democrat
Phanat "PX" Xanamane, Democrat

State Representative 31st Representative District
Jonathan Goudeau I, Republican
Troy Hebert, Republican

State Representative 39th Representative District
Julie Emerson, Republican
Mckinley James Jr., Democrat

State Representative 42nd Representative District
Chance Henry, Republican
Douglas J. "Doug" LaCombe, Republican

State Representative 43rd Representative District
"Josh" Carlson, Republican
Ludwig Gelobter, Democrat

State Representative 44th Representative District
Tehmi Chassion, Democrat
Patrick "Pat" Lewis, Democrat
Ravis K. Martinez, Democrat

State Representative 45th Representative District
Jupiter Leblanc, No Party
Paul "Scott" LeBleu, Democrat
Brach Myers, Republican

State Representative 48th Representative District
"Beau" Beaullieu, Republican
David Levy, Democrat

State Representative 49th Representative District
Sanders "Sandy" Derise, Republican
David Eaton, Republican
Jacob Landry, Republican

District Judge 15th Judicial District Court, ES 3, Div. L
Cynthia Simon Spadoni, Republican
David Way, Republican

Walter Campbell, Republican
Justin Centanni, Republican

City-Parish Mayor-President
Monique Blanco Boulet, Republican
"Josh" Guillory, Republican
Jan Swift,Republican

Parish Council Member District 2
Sidney Morales, Republican
Donald E. Richard, Republican

Parish Council Member District 3
Terry Hughes, Republican
Jeremy Monts, Republican
Kenneth "Ken" Stansbury, Republican

Parish Council Member District 5
Clyde Gabriel, Democrat
Abraham "AB" Rubin, Democrat
Kerry Jamal Williams, Independent

Member of School Board District 1
David LeJeune, Republican
Mary Morrison, Democrat

Member of School Board District 2
Chad Desormeaux, Republican
Stasia Herbert-McZeal, Democrat

Member of School Board District 3
Joshua Edmond, Democrat
Emilie Lewis Duhon, Democrat

Member of School Board District 4
Michelle Living, Democrat
Amy Trahan, Democrat

Member of School Board District 6
Roddy Bergeron, Republican
Sam Taulli Jr., Independent

Member of School Board District 7
Kate Bailey Labue, Republican
Grant Quinlan, Republican

Member of School Board District 8
Hannah Smith Mason, Republican
Holly Sanders, Republican

Member of School Board District 9
Linton Broussard Jr., Republican
Jeremy Hidalgo, Republican
Brandon Rodrigue, Republican

City Council Member District 1, City of Lafayette
Elroy Broussard, Democrat
Rickey Hardy, Independent
Kristopher J. Harrison, Independent
Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux, Republican

City Council Member District 2, City of Lafayette
Shelby Arabie, Republican
"Andy" Naquin, Republican

City Council Member District 4, City of Lafayette
Thomas Hooks, Republican
Julie LeBlanc, Republican

City Council Member District 5, City of Lafayette
Kenneth Boudreaux, Democrat
Nureaka Ross, Democrat

Council Member Division A, City of Youngsville
Shannon Bares, Republican
Ann Istre, Republican

City of Scott Proposition No. 1 of 2
(Hotel Occupancy)
Shall the City of Scott, State of Louisiana (the "City"), under the provisions of Section 338.213 of Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, (the "Act"), and other constitutional and statutory authority, be authorized to levy and collect a tax of not exceeding 5% (the "Tax"), in perpetuity, beginning January 1, 2024, upon the paid occupancy of hotel rooms (the term "hotel" having the meaning set forth in the Act) within the City (the Tax to be in addition to any other taxes thereon) ($225,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying reasonable and necessary costs and expenses of collecting and administering the Tax) to be used to fund the construction, maintenance, and operation of a 4-H facility, a multipurpose community center, or a park or for purposes of economic development, recreation, and tourism within the City?

City of Scott Proposition No. 2 of 2
(Sales Tax)
Shall the City of Scott, State of Louisiana (the "City"), be authorized to levy and collect a tax of 1% (the "Tax") (an estimated $3,250,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), in perpetuity, beginning January 1, 2024, in accordance with Louisiana law, with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable and necessary expenses of collecting and administering the Tax), to be used for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining, and operating the City's sewerage system, including the construction of a new treatment plant and the acquisition of equipment therefor, and to help pay for improvements to infrastructure such as roads, drainage, and utility services?


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

BESE District 8
Preston Castille, Democrat
Dolores "DeeDee" Cormier-Zenon, Democrat

State Representative 28th Representative District
Daryl Deshotel, Republican
Ramondo "Ramram" Ramos, Democrat

State Representative 40th Representative District
Allen Guillory, Democrat
Dustin Miller, Democrat

District Judge 27th Judicial District Court, ES 1, Div. C
Jarvis J. Claiborne, Democrat
Charles Cravins, Democrat
Scherri N. Guidry, Democrat

Clerk of Court
Jan Deville, Democrat
Charles Jagneaux, Democrat

Parish President
Jessie Bellard, Democrat
Richard Lewis III, Democrat

Council Member District 1
Jerry L. Red, Democrat
Jody White, Democrat

Council Member District 5
Roy D. Harrington, Democrat
Harold L. Taylor, Democrat

Council Member District 8
Vivian Olivier, Republican
Joey Richard, Democrat

Council Member District 9
Wayne Ardoin, Democrat
Michael "Mike" Fontenot, Republican

Council Member District 11
Cedric Joubert, Democrat
Timmy G. Lejeune, Democrat

Council Member District 13
Ernest J. Blanchard, Independent
James "Donnie" Fontenot, Republican
Leward J. Lafleur, Republican

Alderman District A, City of Opelousas
John Guilbeaux, Democrat
Victor Lewis, Democrat
Dontae Sonnier, Democrat
Vanessa Brown Sostand, Democrat

Gravity Drainage District No. 14 Proposition
(Tax Continuation)
Shall St. Landry Gravity Drainage District No. 14 of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana (the "District"), continue to levy a special tax of five (5) mills on all property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $66,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2023 and ending with the year 2032, for the purpose of constructing, improving, and maintaining gravity drainage works within and for the District?

Parishwide Consolidated School District No. One Proposition No. 1 of 2
(Tax Renewal)
Shall parishwide Consolidated School District No. One of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to renew the levy of an eleven and seventy-eight one-hundredths (11.78) mills tax on all the property subject to ad valorem property taxation in said District (an estimated $8,169,215 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2026 and ending with the year 2035, said tax to be used to supplement other revenues for the payment of salaries for teachers and others employed by the St. Landry Parish School Board?

Parishwide Consolidated School District No. One Proposition No. 2 of 2
(Tax Renewal)
Shall parishwide Consolidated School District No. One of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to renew the levy of a four and thirty-seven one-hundredths (4.37) mills tax on all property subject to ad valorem property taxation in said District (an estimated $3,029,467 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the the tax for an entire year) for a period of ten (10) years, commencing with the year 2025 and ending with the year 2034, said tax to be used to operate, improve and maintain the public schools in said District?


BESE District 8
Preston Castille, Democrat
Dolores "DeeDee" Cormier-Zenon, Democrat

State Senator 21st Senatorial District
Robert Allain, Republican
Henry "Bo" LaGrange, Republican
Stephen Swiber, Republican

State Senator 22nd Senatorial District
Hugh Andre, Republican
Dexter T. Lathan, Independent
Blake Miguez, Republican
Melinda Narcisse "Mel" Mitchell, Democrat
Phanat "PX" Xanamane, Democrat

State Representative 48th Representative District
"Beau" Beaullieu, Republican
David Levy, Democrat

State Representative 50th Representative District
Gloria R. Robertson, Democrat
Vincent St. Blanc III, Republican

Clerk of Court
Laura Blanchard, Republican
"Reggie" Clues, Republican
Sy E. Savoy, No Party

Parish President
"Pete" Delcambre, Republican
Kevin J. Kately, No Party
Dean LeBlanc, Republican

Council Member District 1
Byron Fuselier, Republican
Hoyt Louviere, Republican

Council Member District 2
Carla Doucet Jean Batiste, Democrat
Lurry James Sigue Jr., Democrat

Council Member District 3
Edward George, Democrat
Vonda Nelson LeBlanc, Democrat
LaTanghue "Tangie" Narcisse, Democrat
Glenn "Gap" Perrodin Sr., Republican

Council Member District 6
Corey P. Melancon, Republican
L. Mark Thibodeaux, Republican

Council Member District 7
Vincent Alexander, Democrat
Marvin R. Crockett, Democrat

Council Member District 8
"Ben" Clay, Republican
Blane Prejean, Republican

Council Member District 9
"Chris" Courville, Republican
Daniel Richard Jr., Independent


State Senator 21st Senatorial District
Robert Allain, Republican
Henry "Bo" LaGrange, Republican
Stephen Swiber, Republican

State Representative 50th Representative District
Gloria R. Robertson, Democrat
Vincent St. Blanc III, Republican

Gary Driskell, No Party
Jason Granger, No Party
Kenny P. Scelfo Sr., Independent
Cody J. Thibodaux, No Party

Parish President
Sam Jones, Democrat
Timothy "Tim" LeBlanc, Democrat

Council Member District 1
Herbert "H.B." Bell, Democrat
Craig A. Mathews, Democrat

Council Member District 3
Whitney Bourque, Democrat
Rodney Olander, Republican
Peter Soprano, Independent

Council Member District 4
Myron Bourque, No Party
Javon Charles, No Party
David W. Hill, Republican

Council Member District 5
Charles "Butchie" McKinley, Democrat
Leslie "Les" Rulf, Republican
Douglas Streety Jr., Republican

Council Member District 6
Shawn Canty, Republican
Patrick J. Hebert, Republican

Council Member District 7
James "Hammer" Bennett Jr., No Party
James "Jimmy" Davis Jr., Republican

Council Member District 8
Eriq Blanchard, No Party
Mark A. Duhon, No Party
Carlo Gagliano Jr., No Party

Council Member at Large District 10
Angelena Brocato, Democrat
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Hidalgo, Republican
Reginald D. Weary, Democrat


City of Morgan City Proposition
(Home Rule Charter Amendment)
Shall Section 2-01(a) of the Home Rule Charter for the City of Morgan City be amended to read as follows: (a) The legislative power of the city government shall be vested in a council consisting of five (5) members elected from single-member districts for four-year terms?

Hospital Service District No. 1 Proposition
(Millage Renewal)
Shall Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of St. Mary, State of Louisiana (the "District"), continue to levy a 3.10 mills tax on all the property subject to taxation within the District, for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033 (an estimated $647,300 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for the purpose of improving, maintaining and operating the hospital facilities of the District?


BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks, Republican
Kevin M. Berken, Republican
Erick Knezek, Republican

State Representative 31st Representative District
Jonathan Goudeau I, Republican
Troy Hebert, Republican

State Representative 49th Representative District
Sanders "Sandy" Derise, Republican
David Eaton, Republican
Jacob Landry, Republican

Lance Broussard, Republican
Eddie Langlinais, Republican
Preston Summers, Republican

Clerk of Court
Diane Meaux Broussard, No Party
Jude Savoie, Republican

Police Juror District 1
Dane Hebert, Republican
Brent Henry, Republican

Police Juror District 2
Shane Meaux, Republican
Jason Picard, No Party

Police Juror District 7
"Chris Clement" Hebert, Democrat
Roy Keith Meaux, Republican
Ravis Stelly Jr., No Party

Police Juror District 11
Scott R. Broussard, Republican
Gary Trahan, No Party

Police Juror District 13
Brian Hollier, Independent
Wayne Miller, No Party


Town of Delcambre Proposition
(Sales Tax)
Shall the Town of Delcambre, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to levy a 1% sales and use tax (the "Tax") in accordance with Louisiana law (an estimated $300,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years from January 1, 2024, with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable and necessary costs and expenses of collecting and administering the Tax) to be dedicated and used for the purposes of providing funds for public safety in the Town and for any other lawful purpose of the Town?